Substance Abuse And Homeless People -

Substance Abuse And Homeless People

Substance Abuse And Homeless People Video

Substance abuse and the homeless

Substance Abuse And Homeless People - final

Such is the sordid relationship between substance abuse and homelessness, often bonded together by woundedness and despair. To find a brighter tomorrow, hope and courage are desperately needed. Research seems to point us to substance use disorders as a major factor contributing to or perpetuating homelessness. Prevalent stereotypes and stigmas in the world today often dismiss those who are homeless as simply drug addicts or alcoholics. Lisa S. But, then again, life can deal out more than a fair share of trauma, stress, pain and other negative factors that tremendously impact our lives. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, addiction can be both a cause and a result of homelessness. This fact makes negative stereotypes about addiction and homelessness all the more ill-founded. Substance Abuse And Homeless People.

Sandra Feodor Nielsen, from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, and colleagues assessed registered psychiatric disorders, mortality, and predictors of mortality in 32, homeless people 23, men and 9, women registered in the Danish register from to The participants were assessed for proportion of registered psychiatric disorders, overall and cause-specific standardized mortality ratio SMRand life expectancy.

The investigators found that, of the total homeless cohort, Substance Abuse And Homeless People, A total of 3, The overall SMR was 5. A total of 1, Compared to the general population, the remaining life expectancy at age 15 to 24 years was Higher mortality risk was associated with registered substance abuse disorder adjusted hazard ratio, 1. Abstract Full Text subscription or payment may be required Editorial subscription or payment may be required.

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Substance Abuse And Homeless People

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Increased mortality risk in Danish homeless people with registered substance abuse disorders

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