Soccer s Influence On Soccer -

Soccer s Influence On Soccer

Soccer s Influence On Soccer - think

After realigning the conferences to restart the season, MLS felt it had no choice but to reset playoff expectations in the now team Eastern Conference. Instead of advancing the top eight finishers like they did in the West, MLS extended the Eastern playoff field to ten teams with the final four places entering a play-in round. For Nashville, New England, Montreal, and Inter Miami, that means an extra game playing out on Friday night to reduce those ten playoff clubs to eight. It's already a very good question for what that extra game means to the clubs that will end their seasons on Friday. Waiting through the international break for one more game may seem silly in retrospect, especially if 7th-place Nashville and 8th-place New England go through. Given what we've seen so far in MLS this season, that's far from an obvious conclusion. Upsets in the playoffs seem likely and with them revisions of what counts for success this season. For both expansion teams, this is more than either of them could've possibly planned for their debuts. Soccer s Influence On Soccer

FIFA ethics investigators have asked the top soccer official in Africa to explain why he agreed to revise a television contract in a way that appeared to benefit a commercial partner over his own organization — the latest ethical concern for a governing body that was subject to direct FIFA oversight as recently as February. The new investigation is just the latest problem for Ahmad, who was briefly detained last year by French authorities investigating allegations of embezzlement and who faces a separate FIFA ethics probe involving complaints of sexual harassment by several female employees and consultants.

It also comes at a pivotal time for African soccer, which has lurched from crisis to crisis under his leadership: Ahmad is seeking a new four-year term next year, and sanctions related to any of the open Soccer s Influence On Soccer could disqualify him from running.

Soccer s Influence On Soccer

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