Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education -

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The War on Children. The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda ( Spanish Subtit) Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education

In This Story: World Health Organization

Starting inseventh and eighth grade students in Texas will learn about forms of birth control beyond abstinence, but middle schoolers still won't have to learn about the importance of consent or the definitions of gender identity and sexual orientation. Over the last several months, panels of educators and medical professionals formulated recommendations to overhaul the health and sex education policies. The Texas State Board of Education, which determines what 5.

The member, Republican-dominated board took a preliminary vote Wednesday to overhaul the minimum standards for what Texas students learn about health and sex, a process that has taken more than a year. It will take a final vote Friday. This marks the board's first thorough revision to its sex education Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education since and will affect millions of students in the Sec. Board members included language teaching middle school students to "analyze the effectiveness and the Educxtion and failure rates Currently, learning about birth control methods beyond abstinence is only a requirement in high school, where health education is an optional course.

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Texas elementary and middle schools must offer health education for students in kindergarten through eighth grade, but high Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education students can meet state graduation requirements without taking those classes. Texas also doesn't mandate that schools teach sex education. Schools that do so must stress abstinence as the preferred means of birth control for unmarried young people, and parents can opt their children out of any lesson they choose.

Much of Wednesday's debate revolved around whether to include lessons on consent, gender identity and sexual orientation.

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Ruben Corteza Brownsville Democrat, unsuccessfully attempted to add language teaching middle school students about "bullying and harassment because of sexual orientation and gender identity expression. Republican members voted against Sez language. Instead, they Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education teaching students to prevent "sexual bullying," which confused Educatipn members who seemed unable to define the term.

If we don't know what sexual bullying is, then what is a teacher required to teach? Cortez tried to add a similar sentence in Eucation high school standards, suggesting teachers "explain why everyone deserves to Educarion treated with respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. These students are out there. They've talked to us in September and they're asking us to hear their voices, and it seems like only a few of us are listening to what they're asking of us, but these are real experiences that our kids have," he said. The vote, which was largely along party lines, aligned with actions from Texas Republican leaders to target LGBTQ rights and protections Personal Statement Book Ace the last several years. Inthey unsuccessfully pushed a policy preventing transgender people from using public bathrooms that match their gender identity.

Last year, they encouraged Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education investigation into whether a mother supporting her child's gender transition was committing "child abuse. Earlier this week, dozens of people showed up at a virtual public hearing to encourage the board to adopt comprehensive sex education that explained options for contraception, the importance of consent, and the definitions of gender identity Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education sexual orientation. The message that refusal gave was "people like me don't matter, young people like me don't matter and people in the LGBTQ community should just stay in the closet," said Jules Mandel, outreach and advocacy coordinator for left-leaning Texas Freedom Network, a board watchdog.

Others showed up at that Monday hearing in favor of abstinence-only education, which promotes teaching students to avoid sex until marriage. Several attendees discouraged the board from including the concept of consent in the standards, arguing it would pressure teenagers to have sex. On Wednesday evening, Perez-Diaz unsuccessfully proposed teaching high school students to "analyze the similarities and differences between legal consent to sexual activity and affirmative consent to sexual activity. Federal data shows Texas consistently has one of the highest teen birth rates in the country, which studies show correlates with an emphasis on abstinence-only education.

Experts including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association and the American Public Health Association oppose abstinence-only education and champion comprehensive sex education. This type of sex education prioritizes accurate source exhaustive information about contraception, human sexuality and sexually transmitted infections.

Sex Education Comprehensive Sexual Education

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