Pros And Cons On Birth Control -

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Pros And Cons On Birth Control 2 days ago · Cons: 1. More painful. Normal birth is more painful but nowadays there is epidural to relieve the pain. However, as per Dr. Praveena Shenoi, it is still not right that just for the sake of pain Author: Navya Kharbanda. 4 days ago · Types of Birth Control | Pros and Cons There are as many types of birth control as there are reasons for using it. Whether you’re trying to regulate your menstrual cycle, fight acne, correct hormonal imbalances, or prevent pregnancy, there is a birth control . 6 days ago · Free birth control has been proven effective at slowing population growth, and even more effective than that is free abortion without social stigma. A still more effective method is educating .
Pros And Cons On Birth Control Making Connections Case 14 6
Pros And Cons On Birth Control

Here are some tips by a gynaecologist and obstetrician.

Pros and cons of normal delivery

Giving birth to a baby is one of the most challenging things a woman has to do. It requires a lot of stamina and consideration of many other factors before entering this new phase of life. The Pros And Cons On Birth Control is between going for normal birth or cesarean. You need to weigh a lot of basics behind this as a lot of things change after giving birth. And, there are risk factors and comparisons involved with every medical procedure. Onlymyhealth editorial team talked to Senior Consultant - Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Cloudnine Hospital, Bangalore about the pros and cons of normal and cesarean delivery. A Cesarean delivery is a surgical method in which the baby is taken out by making an incision through the wall.

Pros And Cons On Birth Control

Later on, the uterus and wall are closed with stitches. Check out the pros and cons of a C-section. C section generally doesn't cause any back ache unless there is a complication in the surgery or any infection.

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing a Birth Control Method

It is the posture of breast feeding that can lead to this. Another advantage of having a C-section is that it can be scheduled in advance. You can preplan each and everything before birth and be ready around your due Pros And Cons On Birth Control. Therefore, it is much more convenient than having a normal delivery. Cesarean takes more time to heal and it hurts more after delivery. The cut doctors make in an episiotomy that is in the perinium during normal birth is very superficial. A cut on the skin and the muscle, whereas in a C-section, the cut is made right through the abdominal wall. Your uterus is cut and then the baby is taken out. That's why a normal delivery is recommended.

Pros And Cons On Birth Control

You should take care of the incision area after a C-section for any discharge or excessive pain and go to the doctor if that's the case. Keep the incision clean and dry. Don't put yourself under undue stress like bending for a few weeks.

Pros And Cons On Birth Control

It is very safe but rarely there is a chance of normal birth if the first Biryh is born through a C-section. A second cesarian child might make the mother suffer from what is called Placenta Accreta, which means the placenta gets attached to the scar of the C-section which is life threatening for the mother. It even has all other risk of a surgery involved.

Advantages and disadvantages of C-section

After one c section, there should be atleast a gap of But, there is no fixed rule because it also depends on your age. If you're above 35, it's good to have a second baby as soon as possible. But, generally it should be 1. Normal delivery or vaginal delivery is a very common way that is preferred by many women. They have less risks involved as compared to a cesarean. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of a normal birth:.]

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