Porters Value Chain Analysis - can recommend
There are two activities in value chain which are: Primary activity — directly concern with creating and delivering a product. Support activities — not directly involved in production, may increase effectiveness or efficiency. When looking at the business value chain, the each one of the activities can be tied to the steps taken within a project. What is a Value Chain? A value chain is a set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry performs in order to deliver a valuable product or service for the market. Porters Value Chain AnalysisPorters Value Chain Analysis Video
Porter's Value chain analysis of Tesla Motors.Using the concept of the industry value chain analysis is an important part of gaining an appreciation for the wider competitive factors that can impact on your business.

The idea of the Porters Value Chain Analysis chain was introduced in the classic strategy book Competitive Advantage by Michael Porter as a way to understand and develop competitive advantage. While much of the book looks at the value chain within a business, Michael Porter stresses the importance of linkages between the business and its suppliers and customers which gives rise to the analysis of the industry value chain or what Michael Porter called the Value System. Videos About The Value Chain. A business takes some form of input and creates an output product or service that a customer is willing to pay for.
Porter Value Chain Analysis
Most businesses therefore buy products from suppliers and sell to customers who then either sell the product as it is or use it to create Porters Value Chain Analysis product or service Porters Value Chain Analysis sell. For example, a cheese company buys milk from farmers, turns it into cheese and sells it to a distributor who then sells it to the supermarkets who sell it to the consumer. Value chains can also branch out into different distribution channels so staying with the cheese company example,as well as the supermarket route to the consumer, the distributor also sells to food processing companies who use the cheese to create ready-made meals to sell to the supermarkets. The supermarkets sell to local restaurants who use the cheese in their menus and the local sandwich businesses that provide your lunch. Each activity within the industry value chain has its own needs and preferences and plays some role in shaping the product and the value the ultimate consumers gets from the product.
Each activity has its own cost dynamics and the way the activities link together can either add value or create unnecessary costs.
Analysis Of Porter 's Value Chain
Industry value chain analysis allows you to look at the way the entire system works together to help you to find ways to create competitive advantage so your business earns higher profits. The diagram below shows five different activities within the industry value chain or value system. The Industry Value Chain shows the alternative ways of competing, each with advantages and disadvantages. You analyse the industry value chain and whilst there are many independents like you, you notice that Valje are some competitors that are set Porters Value Chain Analysis differently. The book Profit Patterns by Adrian Slywotzky and David Morrison makes it clear that industry value chains used to be stable over the long term but over the last twenty years there has been Porters Value Chain Analysis more movement which creates profound impact on the businesses operating within them.
Unfortunately many businesses miss the changes that are happening around them until it is too late and they are trapped in a no profit zone and business system. The way to look out for industry value chain movements and what might be happening is through competitive analysis to keep track of changes each year.
This way you can get an early warning of the patterns that might be developing in your industry and have the time to either decide to participate or to create defensive strategies. The third element of industry value chain analysis is to use it Anapysis to think about how you can configure it to your advantage over the long term. I found these value chain videos from Professor Portefs Fearne which focus on the industry value chain or value system.
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I can be contacted by email at Paul BusinessDevelopmentAdvice.]
Very valuable piece