![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Mgt 311 Week 3 Quiz](https://image.isu.pub/150520084907-0ea9bc3d76e6785e1b3f0c5c35c5156c/jpg/page_1.jpg)
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Software restriction policies can work in three ways, based on the settings you choose for each of the rules. Which of the following is not one of the settings to choose from? What protocol is responsible for the MMgt transmission of a packet, to its final destination on a network? In the OSI model, which layer is at the bottom and represents the hardware that forms the network? What type of attack is occurring when attackers gain access to otherwise restricted network resources, using a wireless network?

The sending system splits its data into multiple signals for transmission, and the receiving device reassembles the signals into a single data stream. What is the name of this process? What command can you issue from the Mtt line to view all configured wireless networks on your Windows 8 computer? What term is given to software that includes viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, and adware?
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When using the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security console, you will see three distinct network locations that impact the behavior of the Windows Firewall. Which of the following is not one of these network locations used by the Windows Firewall?

Which of the following is not an item that can be used when building Windows Firewall rules? Which of the following items is not found in the Security section of the Windows 8 Action Center? Remote Assistance offers several methods to send the invitation for assistance.
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Which of the following is not one of those options? Remote Assistance requires that access to what port be available on the requesting client? Why do some snap-ins, such as the Active Directory Domain Services consoles, not provide a means to redirect the console to another computer? What makes connecting to a remote computer by redirecting an existing console an inefficient method over time? Your email address will not be published. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.]
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