Media And Gender Roles In The Media -

Media And Gender Roles In The Media

Media And Gender Roles In The Media Video

Stuart Hall - Race, Gender, Class in the Media Media And Gender Roles In The Media.

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The ad includes a blonde woman and a brunette woman sitting on the side of a boat in Capri Italy. They are wearing matching outfits: a denim jumpsuit, a black belt, and long leather black high heeled boots.

Media And Gender Roles In The Media

They are sitting more like a male usually would, but they show feminine touch with the placement of their hands arms. They are perfectly and delicately placed on their legs. They also are sitting with good posture, which is normally a feminine characteristic.

Media And Gender Roles In The Media

The good posture highlights their cleavage in the low cut outfit. The blonde on the left is staring at the camera in a sultry way with her lips parted, while the brunette on the right is showing withdrawal which invited people to look at her.

Media And Gender Roles In The Media

The ad definitely gears toward the male gaze. Using a blonde and a brunette that basically look the same insinuates the stereotypical male fantasy of twins and blondes and brunettes. Also, the women are positioned in a very sexual way.

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Their bodies are completely opened to view and their breasts are very highlighted. The blonde woman is staring at the camera in sexual way and Mddia brunette woman is looking away from the camera, which invites people to look straight at her specifically her breasts, as she is leaning forward in a way that makes them the of attention.

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Sex Role Perspective The ad includes a blonde woman and a brunette woman sitting on the side of a boat in Capri Italy. The ad definitely reinforces feminine characteristics. Gaze Theory The ad definitely gears toward the male gaze.]

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