Mass Consumption In The 20th Century -

Mass Consumption In The 20th Century

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As a system of economic and social organisation, Capitalism has long outlived any historical usefulness its many advocates have claimed. This is because it creates the following existential contradictions: Obscene extremes of poverty and wealth; continual wars over resources and markets; environmental pollution, ecological destruction, species extinction and the exhaustion of all the essential planetary resources necessary to sustain all forms of life. In addition, in the 21st century, capitalism is once again in a systemic economic, financial, political and moral crisis as well as sponsoring further military aggressions. The first deprivation is the complete loss of control over the nature and duration of their working lives. The second deprivation is the continued appropriation by the elites of the huge volumes of unpaid-labour and thus surplus-value which working people, rural, urban, white-collar and blue, create whilst at work in their many occupations. All previous attempts at reforming, re-shaping or transforming capitalism by revolutionary or reformist political means, have failed to radically change the oppressive relationship between capital and labour. Either privately controlled capital has subjugated working people to its exploitation or state-controlled capital has done so in its stead. Despite, their rhetoric, Social Democratic, Fascist and Communist political ideologies and their organisational systems have all been based upon and retained a political and social elite, existing upon exploited wage-labour. Mass Consumption In The 20th Century

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Refworks Account Login. Open Collections. UBC Theses and Dissertations. Featured Collection. By studying the audiences, I intend to explore the reasons behind the popularity of this cultural consuming practice in a market economy with Chinese characteristics.

Mass Consumption In The 20th Century

Introduction …………. Previous Research and Theoretical Approach ……………………………………………8 2. Methodology ……………………………………………………………………………. Research Findings ……………………………………………………………………….

UBC Theses and Dissertations

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………. I thank her for the tremendous amount of emotional support for me continuing this academic pursuit after my divorce decision, and also for her insights on the Western classical music listeners and concert-goers in Shanghai. I also want to take this opportunity to thank my step-father, R Austin McEntyre for his encouragement and support. I would like to thank my supervisor Dr. Amy Hanser for her support in encouraging me to carry out this project, guiding me through the sociology literature, and inspiring my thesis composition with provoking questions, enlightening conversations and valuable comments and suggestions.

Mass Consumption In The 20th Century

I thank Dr. I also thank Dr. Renisa Mawani, Dr. Jennifer Chun, Dr. Thomas Kemple, and Dr.

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Wendy Roth for their comments and suggestions on my research project. I am also very grateful to all the respondents participated in the interviews. Your frankness about personal experiences and valuable insights not only contribute to this research project, but also encourage me to go on the journey in academia for the PhD study.]

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