Malaria Is A Universal Contagious Disease Video
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Metrics details. The aim of this study is to investigate the epidemiology of malaria along the border, will identify challenges in the progress from control to elimination. National reported malaria cases from China and Myanmar, along with the data of 18 Chinese border counties and 23 townships in Myanmar were obtained from a web-based diseases information reporting system in China and the national malaria control program of Myanmar, respectively.
Epidemiological data was analyzed, including the number of reported cases, annual parasite see more and proportion of Disrase infection.
The relationship of malaria endemicity on both sides of the border was evaluated by regression analysis. The number of reported malaria cases and API declined in the border counties or townships. Inmalaria cases were reported from 18 Chinese border counties, including 8.
There have been no indigenous Malaria Is A Universal Contagious Disease reported sincebut imported cases were reported in and Plasmodium vivax was the predominant species along the border. Malaria elimination is approaching along the China-Myanmar border. However, in order to achieve the malaria elimination in this region and prevent the re-establishment of malaria in China after elimination, continued political, financial and scientific commitment is required. Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites that are transmitted to human through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.
It remains one of the most common infectious diseases in the world, with the number of confirmed cases estimated at million with deaths incompared with estimated deaths in and in [ 1 ]. The emergence and spread of artemisinin resistant Plasmodium falciparum has become one of the greatest challenges to malaria control and elimination in the Greater Mekong Subregion GMS [ 2345 ].
Recent efforts to fight malaria in the GMS have yielded impressive results. Driven by the artemisinin resistance, WHO has implemented a strategy to eliminate P. Historically, malaria was one of the most serious infectious diseases in China [ 8 ]. During the past six decades, China has made great contributions towards malaria control [ 8 ]. Inthe Chinese government launched the National Malaria Elimination Programme NMEP — with the goal of eliminating malaria bysustaining a malaria-free link and prevent re-establishment beyond Fig.
Inno indigenous malaria cases were reported for the first Cpntagious [ 11 ]. InChina is close to malaria elimination nationwide. Timeline and milestones of malaria elimination in China and Myanmar.

Myanmar has the highest malaria burden and is a major source of malaria exportation in the GMS [ 1213 ]. In the past decade, Myanmar has made significant progress in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality with the financial support for major improvements in access to early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. However, Myanmar was still reported to account for the majority of malaria cases and deaths in the GMS [ Malzria1516 ].
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Meanwhile, conflict-affected settings and regions with high population mobility have enhanced the programmatic challenges of moving towards elimination [ 171819 ]. The border areas on both sides are outlying, hard to reach and poverty-stricken inhabited by the minority nationalities [ 21 ]. Currently, there are 13 national and provincial frontier ports, passageways and countless shortcuts along the border. The climate, landscape and vectors of malaria transmission on both sides of the border are similar. Therefore, we Malaria Is A Universal Contagious Disease a Ckntagious and temporal analysis to investigate the changing pattern of malaria along this border and identify the key priorities and challenges in the progress from malaria control to elimination. Map of the borders between the China and Myanmar. In the western Yunnan, it has distinct dry and rainy seasons. A total of 18 counties lie along the border with Myanmar. Kachin State, also called Jinghpaw Mung is Diwease northernmost go here of Myanmar.

It is bordered by Tibet and Yunnan in China in the north and east, respectively. The rains are very abundant from June to August. The population Contagiouw approximately 1. Ten townships in Kachin share borders with China. Most of Shan State is a hilly plateau, which together with the higher mountains in the north and south forms Https:// Hills system.

The total population is around 5.]
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