Major Religions and their Effects on Society Video
The hater chronicles 2: Kemetic Spirituality Major Religions and their Effects on SocietyReligion changes across the globe. Different parts of the world have different beliefs and rules that maintain their religion. Not all religions follow the same practices but there are some similarities between most, if not all, religions. Religions have their own rituals attached to their beliefs. Some rituals across religions like fasting are specific to one religion while others are practiced throughout. Religions incorporate myths into how they practice, and why they practice by conveying messages about the supernatural through stories or metaphors.
They are used to help express ideas and concepts as well as help the followers achieve spirituality. Religion can help people find peace of mind, give them hope, turn their life around, and change their point of view.
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Religion can be used to justify things click at this page to motivate others. Rituals and ceremonies are practiced to show dedication and faith to a religion. James Frazer's ethnology of religion entitled The Golden Boughpublished in and again inoffered a thorough review of the cross cultural variation in ideas related to magic, myth and religion that were known to Europeans at the time. Taking an evolutionary approach to spirituality, he proposed that human belief progressed through three stages: primitive magic, which was displaced by religion, which in turn was replaced by science. Imitative magic also known as Similarity Magic Is a form of magic in which an object, act, etc. This is a religious cult practiced in the Caribbean and Southern USA mostly by afro-americans, immigrants and descendantscombining elements of Roman Catholic rituals with traditional African magical and religious rites, Maajor characterized by sorcery and spirit possession.
Voodoo, an Major Religions and their Effects on Society of similarity magic, has a negative connotation because of the misconception that it is associated with evil. In this practice, the Voodoo doll is used as a symbolic representation of another person. A person that practices Voodoo magic may stick pins into a doll in order to inflict harm or put a curse on another individual; it is thought that by harming the Voodoo doll, one can manipulate the physical or emotional state of the person that the doll is meant to represent. Relgions, the use of Voodoo is not purely negative. Voodoo is often used to heal relationships or other personal issues. Brown studies the priestesses daily practices, and finds that Mama Lola uses imitative magic to help people's lives. In one instance, she helps a young women's relationship with her husband.
The husband is cheating on his wife, so Moma Lola tells her to write Religionz name on a piece of paper, tear it up, and speak his name. By doing this, he will hear her and come back to her.
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Contagious magic is often associated with witchcraft and sorcery. Witchcraft uses magic by casting spells, Major Religions and their Effects on Society affiliated with spirits. Despite the stereotypes of European American witchcraft, most witchcraft is quite tame and does not involve here hurting of others.
Many people still use puppets much like voodoo dolls or make symbolic offerings images, money, candles and representations of babies or body part or a myriad of other public displays of devotion the supplicants to the which are made with someone's personal possessions in order to draw positive energy into that person's life. The ability that a Navajo Witch has to cause you physical pain because they have a piece of your hair is an example of contagious magic. Religion and its purpose varies depending on who you ask, but in a general sense, religions are societal groups of individuals with like-minded values and beliefs about the world. Most use religion as a way to achieve and salvation in the afterlife, or to receive assurance of the purpose of their own lives.
Spirituality often provides its followers with moral standards or expectations of how they should live and treat others.
A religious group can bring people together, but religion also has a violent history as the driving force behind acts of genocide and oppression. For example, the Crusades were some of the most famous instances of the use of religion to justify violence, the Holocaust being another example.
Both are historically significant, and while these are drastic examples, we still see prejudice today with attacks on Muslims based solely on religious ignorance. Anthropologically, religion has many purposes in society and its study can tell much about a culture that is not otherwise understood.]
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