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Love Family And Identity

Love Family And Identity Video

सत्संग सत्र 22-12-2020 Love Family And Identity

By Linda Francis.

Love Family And Identity

I've been listening to the podcast, Seeing White. It is good to see that Americans are finally researching and talking about Love Family And Identity origins and source of racism Lovw than studying the targeted recipients of its ire; as if "fixing" Black people might cure the country of white people's racism. It's been generally acknowledged that the concept of race is a social construct with no grounding in science. I've been thinking about how this social and political construct has come to be such an integral part of my identity; not by choice, but by simple fact.

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Racial identity is so knitted into the fabric of our nation that it is difficult to detangle it from its other permeations. It is an oppositional identity — white or not white. However, for Black people, it has also become a shared identity around culture and rejection, knitting together a range of Black ethnicities.

But it is also not that simple.

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Black people, including African Americans, are so much more complex. We have layered identities formed by place and time that are rich and multifaceted and seldom acknowledged.

Love Family And Identity

I am Black — part of the diaspora of mother Africa. I am African American — descendent of the slaves that built this nation. This layered identity takes me beyond cultural expressions of diet, music, or dialect. It influences how I see myself and how and why I connect with others, often in ways I don't even realize. Some of these influences are at odds with modern middle-income standards defined by the overarching white culture.

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One example is the role of extended family. My maternal lineage hails from St. Hela Island, South Carolina formerly Frogmore.

Love Family And Identity

The first migration took them to a nearby big southern city earlier on in the 20th century.]

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