Left versus Right Brain and Learning Video
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Have you ever wondered which side of your brain is more dominant? Here is how to determine if you are right brain or left brain. When following directions, would you rather go north for three miles, then turn west and drive for another 2. Or, would you prefer to go right and drive until you get to Starbucks, turn left at the next set of lights, and go up the hill until you see the big purple house with the swing-set in the front yard? If you said the second, then you're definitely heading towards the right brain. A three-pound marvel; the brain is a jelly-like mass comprising approximately billion nerve cells neurons. It is the control center of our lives. The brain is divided into two complete halves; the right and the left hemispheres. These halves are closely connected to each other by the corpus callosum, a wide band of nerve fibers. The right hemisphere generally controls much of our left side and vice versa, but there is much more to it than just that. Left versus Right Brain and LearningThe neuroscience of sex differences is the study of characteristics that separate the male and female link. Psychological sex differences are thought by some to reflect the interaction of geneshormonesLeft versus Right Brain and Learning social learning on brain development throughout the lifespan. Some evidence from brain morphology and function studies indicates that male and female brains cannot always be assumed to be identical from either a structural or functional perspective, and some brain structures are sexually dimorphic.
The ideas of differences between the male and female brain have circulated since the time of Ancient Greek philosophers around BC. Through molecular, animal, and neuroimaging studies, a great deal of information regarding the differences between male and female brains and how much they differ in regards to both structure and function has been uncovered. Females show enhanced information recall compared to males.

This may be due to the fact that females have a more intricate evaluation of risk—scenario contemplation, based on a prefrontal cortical control of the amygdala. For example, the ability to recall information better than males most likely originated from sexual selective pressures on females during competition with other females in mate selection.
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Recognition of social cues was an advantageous characteristic, snd it ultimately maximized offspring and was therefore selected for during evolution. Oxytocin is a hormone that induces contraction of the uterus and lactation in mammals and is also a characteristic hormone of nursing mothers.
Studies have found that oxytocin improves spatial memory. Through activation of the MAP kinase pathway, oxytocin plays a role in the enhancement of long-term synaptic plasticitywhich is a change in strength between two neurons over a synapse that lasts for minutes or longer, and long-term memory.

This hormone may have helped mothers remember the location of distant food sources so they could better nurture their offspring. Additionally, there are differences in activation patterns that suggest anatomical or developmental differences. Lateralization may differ between the sexes, with men often being said to have a more lateralized brain. This is often attributed to differences in "left-" and "right-" brained abilities.
One factor that contributes support to the idea that there is a sex difference in brain lateralization is that men are more likely to be left-handed.
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However, it is unclear whether this is due to a difference in lateralization. A meta-analysis of grey matter in the brain found sexually dimorphic areas of the brain in both volume and density. When synthesized, these differences show that volume increases for males tend to be on the left side of systems, while females generally see greater volume in the right hemisphere. There are behavioral differences between males and females that may suggest a difference in amygdala size or function. After normalizing for brain size, there was no significant difference in size of the amygdala across sex.
In terms of activation, there is no difference in amygdala activation across sex.]

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