Lack Of Fear In Lolita -

Lack Of Fear In Lolita Lack Of Fear In Lolita

Originally posted by xesoteric-extraterrestrialx.

0. The Fool

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! With Tarot, a lot of people including me! If you have any questions, feel free to comment them or message me!

Update: part 2 of this is now posted! Keep reading. Originally posted by ethrealconsciousness. Place your Empress Tarot Card near you where you can view it easily, place your gemstone s before you and close though not in your way. Be sure you are Feear front of a mirror or have a set up in front of you.

Lack Of Fear In Lolita

While doing so feel the energies of the crystals and tarot card. Do bottom lid from inner corner and out as well.

Lack Of Fear In Lolita

While doing this imagine how you are lining your eyes, drawing attention to them, how your eyeliner will pull in the eyes of the one you wish to catch the eye of. Visualize how they will draw in someone.

Lack Of Fear In Lolita

Visualize this strongly. How they enchant your eyes like glittering gems. Focus on the desire of wanting to appear beautiful for the person when you catch their eye. Imagine this making the intense glow of your eyes pink and warm.

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Keep the image of your glowing Far eyes in your mind as you begin your day. Note: Correspondences for this spell comes from witchtips many make up magic correspondence lists. Tarot Cards and Their Meanings. Originally posted by xesoteric-extraterrestrialx Wands: Ace: Beginnings, birth, energy, self-image, new opportunities 2: Potential, planning, choices, contemplation 3: Long-term, foresight, putting things into motion 4: Rewards, celebrate good times come on! The Basics of Tarot. Originally posted by ethrealconsciousness 0.

Eye Catching Glamour Spell.

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A spell to catch the attention of that special someone. Top Photos. Recently Liked. Alex turner….]

One thought on “Lack Of Fear In Lolita

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