Is Pregnancy A Medical Issue Video
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Contact Us. Diabetes Type 1 Type 2 Prevention. Trending Coronavirus. By subscribing, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Pregnancy: Am I Pregnant? The past couple months my periods have gotten lighter, shorter, and further apart. About two weeks ago I had my period three days late and it lasted 4 days.
For three days now I have been having brown stringy sorry for the tmi discharge. That has finally stopped. So am I pregnant or what? I'm so confused, I have never had this before and what causes it. Answer Question.

Read 2 Responses. Follow - 1. Related Questions. My period usually start super heavy for three days and then lighter and end on day 6 or 7.
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Last month I got a speck of Issu blood mixed wi Am I pregnant? My last period was around September 5th and I have consistent periods around 30 days apart. I had unprotected sex twice on the morning of Started my period 2 days early but it was brown discharge but not hard enough for pad or tampon By 3rd day I was light spotting n Any advice is extremely appriacted please.
Is this early pregnancy or implantation?
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Hi im not trying to concive. But my pieriod for November was on time but very heavy then December's pieriod came 8 days late lasted longe We can't tell you if you are or not. Get a pregnancy test. Notify me of new activity on this question. Join this community. Ask a Question.]
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