Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery -

Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery

Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery - simply magnificent

Posted on November 12, under Uncategorized. Are you unhappy with the way your tummy looks? Drastic weight loss and pregnancy can also leave you with loose and sagging abdominal skin that makes it difficult to truly appreciate your trimmer physique. Are you ready to reshape, refine, and smooth out your midsection? Liposuction is great for eliminating stubborn fat deposits with a single treatment. In addition to being an effective way to get rid of unwanted fat at the abdomen, this surgery can also be used to trim and refine the hips, flanks, arms, thighs, and other areas. One thing to note, however, is that although liposuction empties the skin by eliminating unwanted fat stores, it is not a skin tightening treatment. While liposuction is less invasive than a tummy tuck, it is still a surgical procedure and therefore requires a period of recovery. Compared to abdominoplasty recoveries, however, a liposuction recovery is significantly shorter and much easier overall. Many of our patients feel better within just a matter of a week, and most are able to return to work or their other normal activities within days. Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery

Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery Video

Liposuction Surgery: Abdominal Liposuction Procedure! - Excess Belly Fat Removal Surgery Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery

Men and women today have many Liposuctino when it Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery to body contouring treatments. Both procedures are excellent ways to slim down and feel more confident in form-fitting clothing. But depending on your body type, lifestyle, and desired results, one option might suit you better than the other. Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to sculpt the abdomen, waistline, flanks, thighs, upper arms, neck, and other areas of stubborn fat. It requires a local anesthetic before a small tube called a cannula is inserted to break up fatty tissue and suction it from the body.

When paired with a healthy diet and consistent exercise, you can enjoy your liposuction results for years to come. Because liposuction is a continue reading surgery, it requires a small amount of recovery time.

Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery

A compression garment is worn for 2 to 4 weeks after treatment. Most patients can return to work within 5 to 7 days.

The Liposuction Procedure

Treatment begins as you are placed in a comfortable reclined chair, and the handheld applicator is placed on the treatment area. The machine draws the fatty tissue two cooling panels to freeze and eliminate fat cells. While CoolSculpting is not a tool for losing Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery, it helps tone areas resistant to diet and exercise. As CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure, there is no extensive downtime required. Patients can return to work or home immediately after their treatment session. Choosing to undergo any cosmetic procedure is a very personal decision.

CoolSculpting Benefits

However, there are a few main issues to keep in mind when deciding between CoolSculpting and liposuction. In the end, the best way to decide between the 2 body contouring procedures is to talk with your plastic surgeon. After discussing your needs and personal goals, you can work together to find the best treatment option. Browse our before-and-after gallery to see examples of real body contouring results. If you would like to learn more about liposuction or CoolSculpting in the Washington, DC, area, please request a consultation online.

Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery

French Jr. Liposuction vs. Body Nonsurgical. Posted on November 9, By: Center for Plastic Surgery. Liposuction Benefits Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to sculpt the Liopsuction, waistline, flanks, thighs, upper arms, neck, and other areas of stubborn fat. Liposuction also visibly reduces the size of the target area immediately after treatment, while CoolSculpting requires a few months for the frozen cells to be eliminated by the body.

Liposuction Candidates

Treatment time: Liposuction procedures generally take 1 to 3 hours. CoolSculpting treatment time varies Cozmetic on the number of cycles needed. Recovery time: CoolSculpting is a quick, easy procedure that requires no downtime. On the other hand, liposuction is a more traditional surgery that may require rest and time off work. Cost: CoolScupting starts at a lower price point, making it an excellent option for those new to cosmetic treatments. Liposuction costs more upfront but requires no future Is Liposuction A Cosmetic Surgery treatments. Comfort level: While liposuction provides more noticeable results, it also involves surgery. CoolSculpting is a non-surgical alternative for those who wish to avoid extensive procedures.]

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