Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office -

Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office

Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office - sorry, can

The probe, which was confirmed to The Associated Press by two people with knowledge of it who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, marks an escalation in the latest controversy to surround the high-profile Republican, who has spent years under indictment on unrelated state securities fraud charges. The FBI's interest in Texas' top law enforcement official arose from a rebellion by Paxton's top deputies, who accused him of breaking the law by using his office to help a wealthy donor with a troubled real estate empire who also hired a woman with whom the married Paxton allegedly had an affair. Paxton has broadly denied wrongdoing and refused calls to resign, saying he'll seek a third term in and that he's prepared to fight it out in court. He has weathered other storms during his rise to becoming one of the country's leading legal crusaders for conservative causes. With the complex drama likely to continue, here is what you need to know about Paxton's cases:. Paxton, a year-old lawyer, was a Texas legislator before he became the state attorney general in His wife was later elected to his former state Senate seat representing Dallas suburbs. An evangelical conservative , Paxton has positioned himself as a fierce fighter for right-wing causes and close ally of President Donald Trump.

Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office - very

Mailers pitching his name sent to voters in the Coral Gables area were sent by a shadowy political group that, so far, has been untraceable. When a television reporter recently tracked Alex Rodriguez down, he pretended to be someone else. The incumbent lost by just 34 votes, and he is now calling for an investigation into Alex Rodriguez — and whoever may have put him up to run. The shadow candidate has drawn the attention of law enforcement. Sources with knowledge of the investigation tell the Miami Herald that Miami-Dade state prosecutors are now probing the mysterious candidacy, which has also led to a series of investigative reports from the Herald and other news outlets such as WPLG and Univision, whose reporters found Rodriguez renting a home in Palm Beach County, not in Miami-Dade County where he filed to vote and run for state office. Garcia has not responded to calls, emails or home visits by reporters. As long as the check cashes from a proper campaign account, the candidate is 21 years or older and the candidate is a resident in the state of Florida, they can qualify. As part of their probe, Miami-Dade prosecutors could review several key sworn documents provided to state authorities by Alex Rodriguez, including a candidate oath form and a financial disclosure form. Lying on the voter registration form is what led to the downfall of former Democratic State Rep. Daisy Baez, who falsely swore she lived at an address during a campaign.

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\ Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office

The State Archives and Records Authority has confirmed it would assess the destruction of documents, while the Information Commissioner has also launched an inquiry.

Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office

A second investigation has been launched into documents being shredded in the office of Premier Gladys Berejiklian. Credit: Rhett Wyman. Credit: NSW Parliament. Labor has argued that the shredding of documents breached the State Records Act and referred Ms Berejiklian's office to several agencies, including NSW Police which ruled out an investigation. However, in a letter to Labor's local government spokesman Greg Warren, the State Archives confirmed it would launch an inquiry into whether the Premier's office had breached the Act. A spokesman for the Premier said the office was "providing all assistance required by the authority to help continue reading its recordkeeping assessment. Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office

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Leader of the government in the upper house Don Harwin was last month suspended from the chamber for failing to produce documents relating to the approval of the grants. On Tuesday, the Opposition again attempted to embarrass the government by moving a censure motion against Mr Harwin. The motion, which would hold Mr Harwin in contempt of parliament, was due to be debated late on Tuesday. Leader of the Opposition in the upper house Adam Searle said the ongoing failure by the government to produce the documents was "breathtaking".

The Sydney Morning Herald

Greens MP David Shoebridge made an amendment to the motion, which would compel the government to undertake an urgent data recovery process for the deleted files. While the government has argued that it cannot produce documents to parliament that do not exist, the opposition has maintained they cannot be produced because they were destroyed. According to an analysis by the opposition, 95 per cent of the Stronger Communities fund went to councils in Coalition seats in the lead up to the state election. The most important news, analysis and insights delivered to your inbox at the start and end of each day. Premier's office to face second investigation over shredded documents.

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Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office

Government grants Gladys Berejiklian. Alexandra Smith Twitter Email. Tom Rabe Twitter Email.]

Investigating Politicians Outside Of Office

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