Innovations Needed for Deep Space Exploration -

Innovations Needed for Deep Space Exploration - suggest

Almost two years after SpaceX launched a mannequin in a spacesuit seated in a Tesla Roadster aboard a Falcon Heavy testflight, the company owned by billionaire Elon Musk launched four living astronauts to the ISS. In , Musk shocked the world when he made public his plans to one day colonise Mars. Much like Musk, the billionaire founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, too harbours dreams of space travel. His company Blue Origin was established in and is scheduled to launch its maiden voyage for flying wealthy patrons above the 62 mile altitude, considered to be the beginnings of outer space, so they can experience weightlessness for a few moments. Bezos alos plans to build a moon lander for NASA astronauts and eventually commercialise space for millions of people to live and work. The proposition raised alarm in Democrats and in the rest of the world. The ISS, as the space station is commonly known, is till now the largest man-made object ever to orbit the Earth. Innovations Needed for Deep Space Exploration. Innovations Needed for Deep Space Exploration

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Innovations Needed for Deep Space Exploration

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Innovations Needed for Deep Space Exploration

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Innovations Needed for Deep Space Exploration

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