Importance of Training in Catering Industry -

Importance of Training in Catering Industry Video

Chefs Without Restaurants with Chris Spear - Ep. 122 Importance of Training in Catering Industry

There are legal obligations in food safety as set by a number of UK and EU laws. Food handlers, individuals in food production or the food and beverage sector must ensure they have a greater understanding of food safety and hygiene.

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Businesses must learn to comply with food law and manage food safety risks effectively. It is a comprehensive training on food handling techniques and the proper protocols of following food safety practices. The Level 2 Food Safety — Catering course is an informative guide on Laws that state food handlers and others in the industry take significant care in following food safety standards, and failing which, the risks that can arise as a result.

You will acquire in-depth knowledge through key modules in Level 2 Importance of Training in Catering Industry Safety — Catering that will give you practical guidance on how to apply food safety practices to your catering this web page, restaurant or warehouse. You will learn of the dangers of poor food safety standards, how food risks arise and how to manage, control and prevent them. It is a legal duty to ensure that food is cooked, prepared and served for human consumption safely and within the food safety guidelines.

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This course will bring you more awareness on contaminated food which can lead to fatal consequences. The Level 2 Food Safety — Catering will provide guidance on ensuring how your business should comply with the law and manage food safety risks well. This is a CPD certified course which demonstrates to potential employers that you are continually developing yourself, and will make you a desirable candidate in catering, food and beverage industry and in food production.

Importance of Training in Catering Industry

Learners who register will be given excellent support, discounts for future purchases and be eligible for a TOTUM Discount card and Student ID card with amazing offers and access to retail stores, the library, cinemas, gym memberships and their favourite restaurants. This online test is marked automatically, so you will receive an instant grade and know whether you have passed the course.

Importance of Training in Catering Industry

The course will be directly delivered to you, and you have 12 months access to the online learning platform from the date you joined the course. The course is self-paced and you can complete it in stages, revisiting the lessons at any time. CPD is a Ipmortance awarding body in the United Kingdom that meets an excellent standard of high quality education. CPD ensures that both practical and academic qualifications assist individuals to re-skill or up-skill and maintain a competitive advantage in their chosen industry.

Importance of Training in Catering Industry

The Level 2 Food Safety — Catering Certificate will improve your candidature for a number of jobs in the food production and food and beverage industries. You can also demand for a salary increment or job promotion from your employer. Entry Requirements. Who Should Attend.

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Method of Assessment. Inddustry Information. Buy Now. Learning Outcomes Have greater awareness of the dangers poor food safety standards pose Learn how food safety risks can arise Learn how to control food safety risks and prevent them Understand what happens in the case of contaminated food. Key Features Gain an accredited UK qualification. Access to excellent quality study materials. Personalized learning experience. Support by phone, live chat, and email.]

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