Impact Of Globalization On Nation States -

Impact Of Globalization On Nation States - good question

Introduction Globalization is a widely discussed and contested topic. The process of globalization has profound impacts on the capacity of a nation to formulate its policies. It is accompanied by a seemingly endless process of change within education Peters, Globalization is one main issue that is increasingly attracting the attention of most academicians, researchers and policy makers. It has gained relevance in the context of higher education. Education is an important driver of growth and poverty reduction. Education policies have been in existence for quite some time and have played an important role in the development policy. The most recent wave of globalization is likely to have profound effects on education structures and policies across the world. Impact Of Globalization On Nation States Impact Of Globalization On Nation States

Helga Tawil-Souri. Popular Communication. Volume 13, Issue 2. This tension of attention and abstraction is discernible in contemporary solidarity movements on Impact Of Globalization On Nation States rights and social justice. The article concludes that as the cause continues to gain universal traction, the core political issues are rendered distant and mediated spectacles. In the s and s, the Palestinian cause was equally framed as universal: a struggle for national liberation that was part and parcel of anti-colonial movements across the Global South. Famous academics also made sympathetic statements. I argue that there is in fact a tension between being universal and simultaneously auxiliary, which becomes apparent in the traction the Palestinian cause gains among individuals, groups, and institutions whose proclamations echo similarities yet come from radically different ideological and political positions.

Consider the two following statements of solidarity. The latter was made by Judith Butler, the American-Jewish philosopher and gender theorist Globakization Impact Of Globalization On Nation States been an outspoken supporter of Palestinian rights. How is it that the plight of a few Statex dispossessed people has taken on such universal rhetorics? Can a cause be universal and Physics of Mountain its own internal needs? What roles have globalization and media played in these processes? My aim here is to answer these questions. The Palestinian cause is an interesting object of analysis.

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The Palestinian cause has been global and globalized since its beginnings. It has remained intertwined in global geopolitics from Cold War politics to the rise and fall of pan-Arabism, from Islamism and Islamophobia to the Global War on Terror, among myriad other geopolitical realities.

In fact the endurance of the cause helps garner more support which paradoxically distances solutions on the ground. This tension highlights a fundamental problem of a global cause: it gains traction through global media, it circulates more widely and garners various forms of support, in the process it becomes more abstract and those originally implicated gain little.

Impact Of Globalization On Nation States

Palestinians comprise the longest-standing refugee community in the contemporary world: more than 11 million Palestinians are sprinkled around the West Bank, Gaza, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and farther afield. Many refugees do not have citizenship, and Palestinians who are nationalized in Israel or Jordan for example often have a lesser form of citizenship. Despite decades of attention and negotiations, there is no Palestinian state on the horizon nor any resolve to those in exile. The cause is equally global because the question of Palestine cannot be separated from Zionism, Israel and their own global inter-connections. Go here on theoretical grounds, the cause contends with transnationalism, statelessness, exile and diaspora, and international relations, for example.

Impact Of Globalization On Nation States

Finally, it is also global because the conflict itself garners overwhelming media attention. Whether embraced in a fight for democracy or incorporated into global jihad, Palestinians Syates bystanders to their own cause. As the Palestinian cause has shifted over decades from one of national liberation to one of human rights and global justice, it demonstrates how any claims of solidarity are expressions of particular interpretations of symbols and history in a shifting geopolitical and media landscape.

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Palestinian global solidarity must be understood within the historical global context in which it emerged. In the Arab world, the Palestinian cause has been central since its creation because of the obvious geopolitical human repercussions in the region. With the exception of the height of pan-Arabism—from the Suez Crisis to the War—there has not been unanimous consent on Palestine in the region. On a popular level, however, the plight of the Palestinians and the struggle toward a Palestinian state is one with which the majority of Arab populations sympathize. In enlarging the Palestinian cause from a regional to a global solidarity movement, the war was the watershed Impact Of Globalization On Nation States.

The Israeli defeat of Arab forces and consequent Israeli occupation of Jerusalem, Globlaization, and the West Bank and at the time also the Golan Heights and Sinai created a sense of Arab loss and malaise that reverberates into the present. While there were already signs of internationalization on the part of Palestinian freedom fighters prior, propelled them towards a wider geography.

The s and s saw increasing political interconnectivity during which universal concepts of national liberation and human rights were foregrounded in battles across the world. The PLO failed in many of its goals most notably creation of a state. This provided Palestinian liberation fighters access to material, political, and ideological resources. Globalizatiom bearing toward the Third World would have a critical impact on the subsequent development of the cause, thrusting the Palestinian struggle to prominence in contemporary world history.]

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