Identity Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder -

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Identity Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder Identity Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder

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The Dissociative identity disorder or multiple personalities is characterized because the person who suffers from it can adopt up to identities that coexist in their body and mind. Another characteristic is that there is a memory loss that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

Identity Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder

The adopted personalities or alter egos usually follow two types of patterns: 1 They have complete Dizorder, with a unique behavior, read more of speaking and gestures. The main characteristic of this disorder is that there are certain aspects of the person's personality that are dissociated.

Therefore, it is important to understand that there is a fragmentation of identity, rather than a proliferation of separate personalities. DID reflects a failure to integrate various aspects of identity, memories, or consciousness into a multidimensional "self. Dissociated identities or states are not mature personalities, but a disjointed identity. Different states or identities recall different aspects of autobiographical information, favored by amnesia.

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When there is a change from one personality to another it is called "transition", which is usually instantaneous and can be followed by physical changes. The identity that usually asks for treatment is the host personality, while the original personality rarely does so.

Identity Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder

For example, the person may come to treatment with alter egos and develop more than 10 as treatment progresses. There have also been cases of people with more than personalities. A Presence of two or more identities or personality states each with its own and relatively persistent pattern of perception, interaction and conception of the environment of itself.

B At least Identity Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder of these identities or personality states control the behavior of the individual on a recurring basis. C Inability to remember important personal information, which is too broad to be explained by ordinary forgetting.

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D The disorder is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance eg, automatic or chaotic behavior from alcohol intoxication or medical illness. People with DID are usually diagnosed with comorbid co-occurring disorders, a higher rate than in other mental illnesses. The persistence and consistency of behavioral identities, amnesia, or suggestibility can help distinguish DID from other Also, it is important to distinguish TID from simulation in legal problems.

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People who simulate DID often exaggerate symptoms, lie, and show little discomfort about the diagnosis. In contrast, people with DID show confusion, discomfort, and embarrassment about their symptoms and history.

Identity Disorders Dissociative Identity Disorder

People with DID adequately perceive reality.]

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