Looking back in retrospect, like how the executives were actually street dudes, they were mixing business with the street.

Megaproducer Teddy Riley is known as the leader of the New Jack Swing era and the musical mastermind behind popular bands such as Guy and Blackstreet. Michael Jackson. I remember those days.
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I remember it like it was yesterday. The podcast series is the first project between Wondery and Universal Music Group since both announced their partnership last year. Journalists Andy Hermann and Rico Gagliano were brought on to write the story. Both started about a year ago, spending countless hours researching before conducting interviews and developing a script. That had an impact on the music, which I thought was super interesting.
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Gagliano praised Henson's bringing their words to life. He and Hermann were not personally with Henson in the recording booth because of the coronavirus pandemic, but both agreed she did a stellar job.

I signed on to bring the story to life. Home Lifestyle News Taraji P. Share on Facebook.

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