Gun Laws Should Not Be Necessary -

Consider: Gun Laws Should Not Be Necessary

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Debate: Does America Need Stricter Gun Control Laws? Gun Laws Should Not Be Necessary Gun Laws Should Not Be Necessary

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Line graph. Percentages of Americans since who want the laws covering the sale of firearms to be more strict, less strict or kept as they are now. The latest data find a seven-point decline in the percentage of U.

Gun Laws Should Not Be Necessary

A majority of Americans held that position until Since the early s, Americans' preferences for tougher gun control have generally peaked in the wake of prominent mass shootings and waned as the memory of each fades. Support remained near that level last year in two readings taken after mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, on consecutive days in August. There are sharp differences in views of gun control within a number of key demographic groups in the latest findings Gun Laws Should Not Be Necessary Gallup's annual Crime poll, conducted Sept.

Majorities of women, Democrats, independents, those who do not own guns, residents of the Eastern and Western U. At the same time, these groups' counterparts are more supportive of keeping gun laws as they are now or making Necessarh less strict. Among these groups, the largest gap in support for more stringent gun laws is for partisans. Meanwhile, the percentages of Democrats and independents calling for more gun control are near the highest recorded by Gallup since The point gap between Republicans and Democrats is the NNecessary on record over the past two decades.

Gun Laws Should Not Be Necessary

Percentages of Republicans, Democrats and independents who want the laws covering the sale of firearms check this out be more strict, since This is the lowest reading for Republicans in the trend. Percentage of Americans who Gun Laws Should Not Be Necessary there should be a ban on the possession of handguns except by the Nog and other authorized persons, since Gallup's update of gun ownership in the same poll finds essentially no change in the trend from recent years. Gallup will be looking at whether today's slightly higher rates continue in future measurements.

In a Shojld that has seen record-high gun sales, Americans' appetite for gun control is the lowest it has been sincebefore mass shootings in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Parkland, Florida. There has not been a major mass shooting in the U. In addition, there has been a sharp drop in Republicans' support for stricter gun laws over the past year as the nation has dealt with the pandemic, civil unrest and the presidential election.


View complete question responses and trends PDF download. Learn more about how the Gallup Poll Social Series works. Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Sept. All reported margins of sampling error include computed design effects for weighting.

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Landline and cellular telephone numbers are selected using random-digit-dial methods. Search, examine, compare and export nearly a century of primary data. Subscribe to the Gallup News brief and real time alerts. Stay up to date with our latest insights. Americans are more likely to perceive crime in the U. In the U. Notice: JavaScript is not enabled. Please Enable JavaScript Safely. In general, do you feel that the laws covering the sale of firearms should be made more strict, less strict or kept as they are now?

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