Metrics details. Studies show that health professionals in training have reported that GHE here improved their teamwork, responsiveness to contextual factors that impact health, and understanding of health systems; however, there is little research on the impact of GHE courses in undergraduate settings, especially in low and middle-income countries LMICs.

We conducted a cross-sectional study with pre- and post-design. Using a five-point Likert scale strongly agree to strongly disagreethe survey assessed seven competencies as well as questions about course expectations, takeaways, and recommendations to improve the course. We performed descriptive statistical analyses comparing the combined pre-tests from Fall and Spring cohorts to the combined post-tests.
COVID-19 and the great reset: Briefing note #31, November 11, 2020
Only 8. In this study, we have presented our experience in teaching an online global health course for multidisciplinary undergraduates in a LMIC. The competencies reported by our students indicate that the course prepared them to confront complex global health issues. Global Health is concerned with health challenges with global impact, and it seeks global solutions through the power of academic research and science to promote health for all, and to improve health equity and reduce health disparities [ 1 ].
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Global health challenges such as climate change, non-communicable chronic diseases NCDshttps://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/work-experience-programme/the-literature-on-anticipated-vs-unanticipated-death.php resistance, rapid urbanization, Undegstand infectious outbreaks such as COVID, disproportionately affect the poor, particularly in low- and middle-income countries LMICs [ 23 ]. Often, these health challenges are the result of large-scale global forces such as globalization -- understood as the unrestricted exchange of goods, services, infectious agents, and habits, which amplifies the market for harmful substances, enables the rapid proliferation of infectious diseases, and promotes unhealthy lifestyles [ 6 ] -- and neoliberalism, which Ditfering free-market policies that result Global Leaders Should Understand Globalization Has Differing privatization, deregulation, and limited government spending [ 7 ].
The impact of globalization and neoliberalism in health have been described elsewhere [ 78910 ] and given their complexity, require comprehensive, multidisciplinary, and trans-sectoral responses. Thus, the field of global health emerged in response to growing health challenges and social inequalities that result from complex global forces [ 10 ].
Racial Equity
GHE is uniquely suited to tackle current and future health issues because it is practice-oriented and competency-based [ 12131415 ]. The former challenges students to create and explore solutions to pressing global health problems by analyzing the connection between local factors and health challenges in a community, and ultimately bridging these observations with professionals who are already addressing health challenges [ 16 ]. Competency-based education trains professionals accountable to societal needs by developing observable and measurable optimal performance characteristics [ 17 ]. In contrast to traditional training approaches, health professionals in training have reported that GHE has improved their teamwork, responsiveness to contextual factors that impact health, and understanding of health systems [ 1819 ].

However, there is little research on the impact of GHE programs in undergraduate settings. Still, there is no evidence of these benefits reported from students in LMICs. In other words, global health link and pedagogy has been mostly limited to HICs. In response to this divergence, inthe International Federation of Medical Students, representing 1.]
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