Gentrification and White Preference in the Rhode -

Gentrification and White Preference in the Rhode Gentrification and White Preference in the Rhode

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Gentrification and White Preference in the Rhode

Last Wednesday at In these times of plague and political reckoning, questions of futurity loom large. Artist, curator, and activist Betty Yu has been thinking through these in relation to public policy and housing, via her apexart exhibition Imagining De-Gentrified Futures. Join her and writer Samuel Stein for a reading group on the subject on December 1. This question sits at the center of an exhibition now on view at apexart, online and by appointment.

Now on view through December Artist Azikiwe Mohammed founded the Black Painters Academy after noticing that most drop-in painting classes focused largely on white, Western artists. The painting is currently located at MoMA while these socks may soon be located on your feet.


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Gentrification and White Preference in the Rhode

The question of what a de-gentrified future could, or rather should, look like remains an open one. Latest Reviews. John Yau. Kyndall Cunningham. More from Hyperallergic. Dan Schindel. Danilo Machado.]

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