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Gender stereotypes 'begin in childhood' - ITV News Gender Roles Of Early Childhood Development. Gender Roles Of Early Childhood Development

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It will also help review the policy, refine respective roles and contributions of stakeholders, build upon sector-specific achievements and incorporate the latest evidence on child development and health. Mrs Pearl Peters, Principal Programme Officer, in charge of ECCD at the Ministry, speaking at a validation meeting on the policy in Kumasi, noted that, after 15 years of implementing the policy, there was Chidhood need for review to incorporate changes that had occurred both locally and internationally. This would help make the policy current and effective while aligning it to national aspirations. Mrs Peters said the Ministry had developed a framework to Gender Roles Of Early Childhood Development promote effective implementation of early childhood care and development in the country.

The evaluation would also help key sectors involved to review their strategies and refocus and incorporate new evidence to promote the welfare of children from zero to eight years.

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Representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions including Ghana Health Service, Ghana Education Service, Department of Social Welfare, Department of Community Development, as well as Childhokd early childhood care and development practitioners attended the meeting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

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