Financial Policy -

Financial Policy

Financial Policy - opinion

Subscriber Account active since. US coronavirus cases and hospitalizations continued to climb over the weekend. Meanwhile, DoorDash released its paperwork to go public on Friday, and Airbnb's S-1 is expected to drop this week. If you're not yet a newsletter subscriber, you can sign up here to get your daily dose of the stories dominating banking, business, and big deals. We're also launching a new newsletter — 10 things in Politics You Need to Know Today — later this month. Sign up here. Like the newsletter? Hate the newsletter? Feel free to drop me a line at ddefrancesco businessinsider. Heather von Zuben is a newly-inducted partner at Goldman Sachs. Financial Policy

The Federal Reserve has cranked the monetary taps wide open and signaled that this policy will continue for years.

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Although not a substitute for fiscal stimulus, the economic boost provided by these expansionary policies is badly needed in the face of the coronavirus crisis. Given that loose monetary policy invariably fuels Wall Street excess, the Fed will have to reverse its deregulatory course. But they also lower rates for Wall Street, and do so even more effectively, since major banks have direct access to Fed financing as primary dealers. Wall Street uses cheap credit as the high-octane fuel for speculation. As we saw beforethese techniques redistribute wealth Financial Policy and endanger the economy by inflating bubbles in asset values and encouraging predatory lending. AfterFinancial Policy extended period of low interest rates triggered a huge boom in corporate buyouts, as private-equity tycoons used cheap credit to engage in an Financial Policy wave of acquisitions.

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Financial Policy also fueled record levels of share buybacks, as companies borrowed cheaply to repurchase shares so insiders could be rewarded by inflated stock prices. We are still paying the price Financiql this wave of corporate borrowing. Excess debt burdens could worsen an already severe recession, while the concentration of corporate power in private-equity amplifies inequality.

Financial Policy

Today, policy choices that are structurally tilted toward assisting asset markets have already helped to produce the kind of recovery we saw aftera K-shaped recoveryin which the sky is the limit for the investor class but others are left behind. Lower-income households and black and Latino communities were economically devastated. And the Fed committed to a permanent shift toward a greater emphasis on full employment in its pathbreaking August statement. But this flood of money Financial Policy fuel excessive Financial Policy speculation and Wall Street manipulation of the economy, making restrictions on what big financial institutions can do with cheap money absolutely critical. On this front, the Powell Fed has consistently failed, and failed badly. The Fed has systematically weakened critical restrictions against excessive borrowing by big banks. The Fed and other agencies have also gutted Volcker Rule protections against risky speculation and capital markets activities by big banks.

When it comes to private equity and hedge funds, as well as other nonbank investors, the situation is even worse. When Financial Policy Joe Biden takes on Jan. But it cannot overlook the urgent need to strengthen financial regulations.

Financial Policy

We need Fed leadership that will fundamentally change course. Marcus Stanley is the policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of over consumer advocates, labor unions, faith groups and community activists dedicated to Finamcial a strong, stable, and ethical financial system. Most major sports leagues want the federal government Financial Policy implement regulations on the sports betting industry.

Economic Calendar. Retirement Planner. Sign Up Log In. ET By Marcus Stanley. Inflating bubbles But they also lower rates for Wall Street, and do so even more Financial Policy, since major banks have direct access to Fed financing as primary dealers. What a Joe Biden presidency could mean for legalized sports betting Most major sports leagues want the federal government to implement regulations on the sports betting industry. First coronavirus immunizations could come Dec.

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