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Not necessary: Fast Food And Obesity

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Paternity Leave A Right For All Male 1 day ago · Blaming fast food for obesity essay for biological approach to schizophrenia essay. Noddings, education essay blaming fast food for obesity and power), and each successive topic is . 4 days ago · fast food and the obesity epidemic understanding obesity Sep 19, Posted By Roald Dahl Library TEXT ID ccf48 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library the obesity epidemic understanding obesity can be taken as without difficulty as picked to act fast food the obesity epidemic usa the fast food nation obesity . 11 hours ago · It is not logical and practical to blame fast-food restaurants in being the main causative factor explaining the rise of obesity cases in the nation. The mere presence of fast-food restaurants does not automatically guarantee the rise in the number of obese patients, in the same way, that proximity to a high-calorie food .
Fast Food And Obesity 1 day ago · Blaming fast food for obesity essay for biological approach to schizophrenia essay. Noddings, education essay blaming fast food for obesity and power), and each successive topic is . 3 days ago · purchase essays online. university of oxford creative writing masters; econometric term paper topics; how to solve pythagorean theorem problems; dissertation on inclusive education in india. 6 days ago · Fat And Obesity: The Causes Of Fast Food. Words 4 Pages. Imagine someone is walking into a mall and is about to go through the spinning doors when they get stuck, because they are too fat to fit. Lots of people throughout the world go to fast food restaurants for most of their meals because they are fast .
Fast Food And Obesity Fast Food And Obesity

Fast Food And Obesity Video

The Skinny on Obesity (Ep. 6): A Fast-Paced Fast Food Life

Fast Food And Obesity - your place

There has been in fact an exponential rise of obese individuals, especially in many developed nations like United Kingdom and United States. And now, obesity is a global health problem in many nations. Obesity can be linked to different long-term health conditions, illness and premature death including diabetes, stroke, heart disease, gall bladder disease, arthritis, joint disorders, some cancers and fatty liver. In this article on VKool site , we are going to show you an overview about fast food and obesity: facts and articles. Keep reading to have a full understanding about their connections for being healthy and control your weight effectively! Many studies have indicated that the rise of obesity in the world population might be attributed to the increase in high-calorie food intake, along with the lack of physical activity. A from — and — increased. Studies have also shown that each capita calorie intake in the US increased by over kilocalories among the entire American population from — and the numbers just have risen after 1 decade. Read on: Bodyweight Exercise Revolution.


It is not logical and practical to blame fast-food restaurants in being the main causative factor explaining the rise of obesity cases in the nation. The mere presence of fast-food restaurants does not automatically guarantee the rise in the number of obese patients, in the same way, that proximity to a high-calorie food item makes a person fat. It is imperative to look into the impact of human behavior in conjunction with poverty as critical factors in the fight to reduce the number of obese people in the country. Educating people on the dangers of consuming large quantities of fast-food products is not going to have a positive impact, because people have access to high-calorie food items through the convenience stores and the supermarkets. It is better to answer the poverty problem first, and then educate them on other aspects of the obesity issue.

Since it is poverty that compels people to consume cheap but fattening products from fast-food restaurants. The moment the medical community issued bulletins, produced journals and made announcements mentioning the Fast Food And Obesity surgery and obesity in the same Fast Food And Obesity, became the critical period in human history when human beings are supposed to take into serious consideration the health implications of weight and food intake.

Without a doubt, obesity is a disease, but there a lot of diseases that do not require surgery.

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A surgical procedure is a life and death situation. Therefore, when obese people are considering surgery Fast Food And Obesity are doing so for the sake of survival. It is important to prevent the onset of obesity. However, it is not prudent to blame everything on fast-food restaurants.

Stop blaming fast-food restaurants as the causative factor for obesity, because eating fast-food meals is not the only explanation why one-third of Americans Fast Food And Obesity obese. It does not require a neurosurgeon or a rocket scientist to understand that surgery is the last resort in any type of medical situation.

Surgery is disruptive, risky, and, at times, unpredictable. Many people did not survive the post-operative stage of the healing process Finkelstein et al. Thus, people that decided to go under the knife are desperate. They are left without options. One can argue that obese patients requesting for bariatric surgery are left without any other option Obrsity to allow a doctor to cut a perfectly working stomach Fasf reduce its size to reduce weight.

Fast Food And Obesity

From the obese patient, the risk-reward ratio of bariatric surgery is an acceptable gamble considering the consequences of delayed action Finkelstein et al. In the absence of immediate, appropriate, and decisive measure to counteract the effects of obesity, there are only one or two things left for the clinically obese person. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Preventionobesity Fast Food And Obesity to heart ailments, stroke, diabetes mellitus, and certain types of cancer.

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In other words, obesity is one of the root causes of a high number of preventable deaths each year Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Also, those afflicted by this medical condition are expected to spend more than one thousand dollars in medical bills as compared to those with normal weight Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Indeed, blaming fast-food restaurants as the root cause of the obesity epidemic is not the most prudent thing to do.

However, it is not entirely accurate and fair to entirely dismiss the causative factor of fast-food meals. Up to a certain extent, fast-food restaurants play an important role in certain groups of people. In other words, the lack of discipline in terms of food consumption, and the habitual ingestion of food coming from fast-food joints is not a practical approach to losing weight.

The connection between fast-food restaurants was also established in the study involving obese children. In other words, the researchers claimed that the availability of fast-food products in a given neighborhood or downtown area contributed to the increased number of children suffering from the negative consequences of obesity Newman et al. The proponents of the study went on to make the qualifying remarks that the rate of increase in the number Fast Food And Obesity obese children was also affected by poverty and the urbanization level of a particular area Newman et al. An acknowledgment of the impact of fast-food restaurants in a given area had been made.

However, the analysis of the research outcomes of the above-mentioned studies Fast Food And Obesity made clear that there was a need to clarify the meaning and significance of the research findings.

Fast Food And Obesity

The proponents of the study were quick to identify the limitations of the research procedures because they knew the implications if other research teams are going to look into the correlation of not only the eating habits of the test subjects but also the fact read more their lifestyle or diet was seriously limited by Fast Food And Obesity earning capability.

In other words, one can argue that the test respondents were compelled to consume fast-food products not because they deemed these food sources as healthier alternatives. They continue to patronize these products because, in their view, these are cheap but quality sources of nutrients. One can use the same argument against the study that associated the presence of fast-food restaurants and the spike in the number of children suffering from obesity problems. Fast Food And Obesity proponents of the said study were quick to make the qualifying remarks that these children came from poor families Newman et al. They were compelled to issue that type of statement because the next group of researchers and scientists that will use their research findings are going to see the linkage between poverty and the frequent trips to the fast-food joint.]

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