Environmental Issues in China - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Environmental Issues in China Video

How China is (and isn't) fighting pollution and climate change - Angel Hsu Environmental Issues in China Environmental Issues in China

President Xi made the comments on 16 November, at a conference on comprehensively advancing the rule of law. This reflects a new consensus among the leadership.

Environmental Issues in China

Traditionally, legal systems are designed to deal with problems and damages which have already occurred. Legal systems in Europe and the USA already have developed certain mechanisms to enable the prevention of environmental problems, but are generally still not very suited to read article global environmental risks like climate change. For example, in April the expansion of a hydropower station in Yunnan Province was halted following a lawsuit by Friends of Nature, which argued that the dam would threaten the habitat of the Green peafowl, a beautiful and endangered bird.

Chinese legal scholars have long argued for strengthening the preventive legal system, and I wrote an article on the topic in February Environmental Issues in China InCCICED recommended to the State Council to strengthen environmental rule of law, including the need for access to justice for the prevention of environmental harm.

InandCCICED also made related recommendations to the State Council, such as further improving the system for public interest litigation, strengthening the system of environmental impact assessments, strategic environmental assessments of new policies, plans and laws, and to integrate climate considerations throughout the legal and policy system. Link the endorsement and guidance from President Xi, I expect that the judiciary and lawmakers will now proceed more confidently in developing the preventive legal system. Hopefully in the near future, it will become easier for prosecutors and NGOs to bring preventive public interest litigation. I also expect that upcoming legal revisions and new laws, such as the EIA Law, will make more explicit reference to the mitigation of risks such as climate change, public health crises and ecological disasters.

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The Development of Environmental Disclosure in China

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Environmental Issues in China

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Environmental Issues in China

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One thought on “Environmental Issues in China

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