Dantes Inferno vs Miltons Paradise Lost - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Dantes Inferno vs Miltons Paradise Lost Dantes Inferno vs Miltons Paradise Lost.

Mises Institute 3 days ago Jay Taylor Media.

The Power And Lure Of Satan

Mises Institute writes The Covid Cult. Recently, I told my wife that the election follies made me think of John Milton.

Dantes Inferno vs Miltons Paradise Lost

She commented that I may have been the only one in America to make that connection to the second most important author in the English language, after Shakespeare, best known for his poetry. The primary reason is that well before America was founded, Milton famously argued for freedoms of speech and the press, and against censorship in England. Because it originated with private actors rather than government, even though the intent was to dictate the government chosen, it was not a violation of the First Amendment.

Wow Right Meow

But the consequences of multiple powerful actors putting all of their thumbs on the same side of the scales they intended voters to use was, and remains, a serious threat to America. In contrast, much of what has been proposed by politicians this year has involved widespread invasions of our liberties, disguised by focusing only on those promises to give, without much mention of the corresponding unavoidable promises to take from others to do so. His words sharpen our ability to judge that deviation from the ideas that created America.

And at their heart is his conclusion that free we must remain.

Dantes Inferno vs Miltons Paradise Lost

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