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Since it was approved into law on October 5,the Job Creation Law has continued to be controversial, especially in terms of the process of its formation. This was because the draft of the Job Creation Law has undergone several changes both in terms of the number of pages and the alleged substance which was later revealed to the public. After it was read out in a plenary session, a page version of the work copyright law was circulated. Noot

Legal Attorneys for the Petitioners for the formal review of the Job Creation Law, Viktor Santoso Tandiasa, admitted Creaitonism he had found several changes Creationism And Id Is Not substance, including the comparison of Article 5 and Article 6 in the version and 1, pages of the work creation law. In fact, in the page version of the draft of the Job Creation Law, the article still exists and consists of 4 paragraphs. Finally, after being signed by President Jokowi and promulgated in a state sheet on November 2,Law Number 11 of concerning Job Creation is still found to be wrong.
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The mistake was in the form of incorrectly referring to articles in Article 6 and Article of the Job Creation Law which were considered to affect the substance. Since the joint agreement, a number of parties have submitted a formal and material review to the Constitutional Court MK to request the annulment of the Job Creation Law and a number of articles that were subject to review. Jimly Assiddiqie, said that as long as the material is content, the text of the Job Creation Law after mutual approval in plenary sessions should be final. After that, absolutely no change in substance content is absolutely allowed because within 30 days, even Creationism And Id Is Not the President has not ratified it as stipulated in Article 20 paragraph 5 Creationism And Id Is Not the Constitution, a bill that has received mutual approval is valid to become a law.
Moreover, if there is an error in the Job Creation Law after being signed by the President, which is actually not allowed. However, the Job Creation Law after being signed by the President is valid and applies binding according to the principle of Preasumption Iustae Causae that Law is binding on the public and must be accepted, whether we like it or not.
Furthermore, said Jimly, let this matter be resolved because it has become a case in the Constitutional Court. Later just prove that this Job Creation Law is defective in formal and material terms.

In his books, he always distinguishes between approval in the DPR which is material in nature and that in the Creationizm which is administrative or formal in nature. However, the government and the DPR were reminded in the consideration of the decision that they could return to processing the Job Creation Law for revision legislative review. Later, public participation will be improved, the discussion debate will be reopened. According to Jimly, the discussion of just one law as thick as pages is half dead in the session. It is guaranteed that 1, percent of DPR members do not read, nor do the ministers read.
Because those who read it were the formulating team. This is because the draft of the Job Creation Law has undergone several changes both in terms of Creationism And Id Is Not number of pages and the alleged substance which was later revealed to the public.
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