Correctional Facilities And The Correctional Facility -

Correctional Facilities And The Correctional Facility

Correctional Facilities And The Correctional Facility Video

come tour the abandoned Glades Correctional Institution! Correctional Facilities And The Correctional Facility.

Inmates and families of inmates from both the Limestone and Decatur correctional facilities have reached out to me regarding COVID concerns.

Correctional Facilities And The Correctional Facility

Over the last two months, numbers in both Decatur and Limestone have skyrocketed. Dunn says employees are given questionnaires, masks and hand sanitizer.

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While Commissioner Dunn says several steps are in place to limit the spread of COVID, they are still seeing dozens of active cases among inmates and employees in both Limestone and Decatur Facilities. For now, he says they will continue with strict protocols to monitor the Correctional of COVID the best they can.

Correctional Facilities And The Correctional Facility

The two facilities:. He says the main concern and effort going on in prisons appears to mitigating the spread.

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Another major concern is staffing. In the North Alabama Facility, 21 have active cases of the virus.

Correctional Facilities And The Correctional Facility

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