Columbus Day Should No Longer Be A -

Columbus Day Should No Longer Be A Video

Celebrating Columbus Columbus Day Should No Longer Be A.

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Here is why you should subscribe and support The Day. Published November Now, the City Council intends to take up a resolution changing Columbus Day in the city to Italian Heritage Day, another move away from honoring the once revered 15th century explorer who is now linked by many to the enslavement Columbus Day Should No Longer Be A killing of indigenous people. Both designations are in line with link proclamations at the national level. The move to recognize the Italian American people, and not Columbus the man, he said, is intentional and meant to inspire unity within the community. While Columbus Day is a national holiday, not all states, municipalities or institutions celebrate it. Goodwin called it a pivotal moment in the nation and city, in which changes like the ones proposed are leading to meaningful conversations among the diverse groups of people living in the city.

He said the resolutions will acknowledge both the history of Italians and indigenous people. The public is invited to sign up and speak or submit written public comments by email jstartz newlondonct.

Columbus Day Should No Longer Be A

Emails are typically read into the record. Editor's Note: This version corrects the email jstartz newlondonct. Woman and children lost their husband and father suddenly this past year and are trying to cope with his passing. COVID testing one, two, three We have. Your stars Nov. Tim King has the community — and the truth — on his side.

Columbus Day Should No Longer Be A

Trump said to be planning comeback before he's even gone. Where are they now?

Columbus Day And The Columbus Day

Success has continued to follow Stonington's Gwen McGugan. Analysis: Trump's bid to spread misinformation and sow doubt. Bias shows in headlines. Biden wants Congress to pass virus aid in lame-duck session. Volleyball highlights: Lyman Memorial 3, Waterford 0. ECC girls' soccer final highlights: Stonington 1, Waterford 0.]

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