China s Influence On Traditional Practices -

Remarkable: China s Influence On Traditional Practices

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China s Influence On Traditional Practices China s Influence On Traditional Practices

China s Influence On Traditional Practices - opinion already

Kung fu and wushu are loanwords from Cantonese and Mandarin respectively that, in English, are used to refer to Chinese martial arts. It means "fist method" or "the law of the fist" quan means "boxing" or "fist", and fa means "law", "way" or "method" , although as a compound term it usually translates as "boxing" or "fighting technique. The genesis of Chinese martial arts has been attributed to the need for self-defense , hunting techniques and military training in ancient China. Hand-to-hand combat and weapons practice were important in training ancient Chinese soldiers. Detailed knowledge about the state and development of Chinese martial arts became available from the Nanjing decade — , as the Central Guoshu Institute established by the Kuomintang regime made an effort to compile an encyclopedic survey of martial arts schools. The earliest references to Chinese martial arts are found in the Spring and Autumn Annals 5th century BCE , [9] where a hand-to-hand combat theory, one that integrates notions of "hard" and "soft" techniques, is mentioned. In the Tang Dynasty , descriptions of sword dances were immortalized in poems by Li Bai. In the Song and Yuan dynasties , xiangpu contests were sponsored by the imperial courts. The modern concepts of wushu were fully developed by the Ming and Qing dynasties. Zhuangzi, its eponymous author, is believed to have lived in the 4th century BCE.


Read more and register HERE. Featured speaker: Dr. Overview of Webinar Program.

China s Influence On Traditional Practices

Webinars are part of our expanding professional development and member engagement opportunities. They include educational presentations by featured speakers, along with a forum for viewers to ask questions of leading experts of protocol and diplomacy. For non-member registrants, the recording will be available for 30 days after the session via a password-protected link that will be shared after the conclusion of the webinar.

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Overview of the Session. This session will highlight how attention to etiquette and hospitality toward guests has influenced the Chinese way of entertaining them.

China s Influence On Traditional Practices

Learning Objectives : During this session, attendees will learn to:. Speaker Biography. She has published nearly 40 academic articles and five books, three monographs, and two editors in chief.

The people she has trained come from CFAU and include foreign diplomats, government officials, and commercial personnel, among others. Join Membership.

China s Influence On Traditional Practices

Overview of the Session This session will highlight how attention to etiquette and hospitality toward guests has influenced the Chinese way of entertaining them. How to balance international dress code and traditional Chinese aesthetics from the perspective of culture.

Speaker Biography Dr.]

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