Article Review Dealing With Bullies -

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Bullying in Schools: Classroom Lesson

Article Review Dealing With Bullies - be. You

Bullying can still happen remotely - and can be even more isolating. Read full article: How to deal with workplace bullying when The Sussexes reportedly hatched a plan to hand Frogmore Cottage to Harry's cousin before consulting senior royals. Read full article: Meghan and Harry 'struck secret deal to The allegation comes after the Home Secr [ Article Review Dealing With Bullies

When most people think of bullyingthey think of fistfights on the playground or cyberbullying among teens.

Deal, which is likely not to be structured as an outright sale, will face White House review

But those schoolyard bullies don't become always turn over a new leaf when they graduate—bullying behavior often continues into the workplace. Research published in the Journal of Social Psychiatry revealed that nearly 30 percent of people report being bullied at work. The consequences of being bullied can significantly impact your health. Studies have linked workplace bullying with increased risks of developing cardiovascular diseasesuicidal thoughtsArticle Review Dealing With Bullies even muscular and skeletal pain like back and neck aches. And it can create neurological deficits that make it even harder for you to thrive and succeed in the workplace.

How to deal with workplace bullying when you're working from home

Bullying becomes even thornier in the workplace when you consider that supervisors are most likely to be the bullyaccording to research from the Workplace Bullying Institute, 61 percent of workplace bullying was inflicted by people in positions of power over their victims. Here's how to handle a boss that happens to be psychopathby the way. So what do you Agticle if you're being targeted by someone at work? Here's how to help yourself out of a terrible situation.

Your human resources department isn't only there to explain your benefits or educate staff on sexual see more. Just make sure your chat is confidential, says Namie—this is a good way to explore strategies for solving your issues with the bully and potentially join others who may have reported this person's behavior. HR may also help with the next step. Your boss's immediate supervisor most likely hired and approved your abuser and Deaoing be loyal to your bully, Namie says. If talking to your bully isn't an option Article Review Dealing With Bullies doesn't work, you may want to go to HR.

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The easiest way to solve a bullying situation may be to extricate yourself—can you find an exit strategy? Look for another position at your company that doesn't require you to interact with the bully, Deaking example. More extreme measures could include searching for a new job. Here are some ways to resolve to take better care of yourself.

Article Review Dealing With Bullies

Your colleagues may see what's going on, but they may be afraid of repercussions BBullies they intervene. In fact, many workplace bullying victims find themselves isolated and shunned by their coworkers, Namie says. Your strongest case against your abuser isn't the impact on your own health and well-being—it's the financial health of the company. Often, an abusive environment is a huge financial and talent drain on the company that isn't realized, Namie says.

Article Review Dealing With Bullies

Unfortunately, unless you can make a case that you're being sexually harassed or targeted because you're a member of a protected group, you'll have a hard time taking legal action against your employer. If you think you might have a case, find an employment lawyer who specializes in dealing with plaintiffs— National Employment Lawyers Association is a great resource for Articlf explain your case, Namie suggests. They can help you determine if any laws have been broken that could allow you to file suit. Seek a therapist who specializes in trauma and PTSDwho can help you deal with the impacts the abuse can have on you in the long term. President-elect Joe Biden will announce cabinet picks Tuesday. Home Remedies for Natural Anxiety Relief. The Healthy See more videos.]

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