Analysis Of Tinker Vs Des Moines And -

Analysis Of Tinker Vs Des Moines And Analysis Of Tinker Vs Des Moines And

The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the Van Wert City Board of Education and each of the school administrators who were named as defendants.

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We affirm the decision of the district court. This dispute arises out of a high school student's desire to wear "Marilyn Manson" T-shirts to school, and the school's opposing desire to prohibit those T-shirts.

Analysis Of Tinker Vs Des Moines And

Marilyn Manson fO the stage name of "goth" rock performer Brian Warner, and also the name of the band in which he is the lead singer. See Encarta World English Dictionary defining "goth" as "a style of popular music that combines elements of heavy metal with punk" and also "a style of fashion. Band members take the first part of their stage names from a famous model or celebrity, such as Marilyn Monroe, Source, or Twiggy, and the second part from a notorious serial killer, such as Charles Manson, John Wayne Gacy, or Richard Ramirez.

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Marilyn Manson the individual is popularly regarded as a worshiper of Satan, which he has denied. He is also widely regarded as a user of illegal drugs, which he has not denied. Petersburg Times, Mar. Too trendy".

Analysis Of Tinker Vs Des Moines And

Hear No Truth. Speak No Truth. Marilyn Manson's name although not his picture was displayed prominently on the front of the shirt. Boroff left school. On September 4,which was the next school day, Boroff wore another Marilyn Manson T-shirt to school. Basinger told the Boroffs that students would not be permitted to wear Marilyn Manson T-shirts on school grounds. Undaunted, Boroff wore different Marilyn Manson T-shirts on each of the next three school days, September 5, 8, and 9, The shirts featured pictures of Marilyn Manson, whose appearance can fairly be described as ghoulish and creepy. Each day, Boroff was told that he would not be permitted to attend school while wearing the T-shirts.

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Boroff did not attend school for the next four days following September 9, On the fifth day, September 16,his mother initiated the present Moine in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio, alleging that the administrators' refusal to allow her son to wear Here Manson T-shirts in school violated his First Amendment right to free expression and his Fourteenth Amendment right to due process. After his eighteenth birthday, Boroff was substituted for his mother as the plaintiff.

Boroff requested a temporary restraining order and moved for a preliminary injunction. The district court, following a hearing on September 16,denied both. Following discovery, both Boroff and the School moved for summary judgment. In a memorandum and order dated July 6,the district court entered summary judgment in favor of the School.

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District Essay

This appeal followed. We review de novo a district court's decision to grant or deny summary judgment. See Smith v. AmeritechF.]

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