Italy: 55, [1] Italian diaspora and ancestry: c.
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Italians share a common culturehistoryancestry and language. The majority of Italian nationals are native speakers of the country's official Shakespeares The Of Banquo Or, Italian, or a Anlaysis variety thereof.
Analysis Of The Poem Renzo, many of them also speak a regional or minority language native to Italy, the existence of which predates the national language. Italians have influenced and contributed to fields like arts and music, science, technology, fashion, cinema, cuisine, sports, jurisprudence, banking and business. Hypotheses for the etymology of the Latin name "Italia" are numerous. Lat vitulus "calf", Umb vitlo "calf". Analysis Of The Poem Renzo to Antiochus of Syracusethe term Italy was used by the Greeks to initially refer only to the southern portion of the Bruttium peninsula corresponding to the modern province of Reggio and part of the provinces of Catanzaro and Vibo Valentia in southern Italy.
Nevertheless, by his time the larger concept of Oenotria and "Italy" had become synonymous and the name also applied to most of Lucania as well. According to Strabo 's Geographicabefore the expansion of the Roman Republicthe name was used by Greeks to indicate the land between the strait of Messina and the line connecting the gulf of Salerno and gulf of Tarantocorresponding roughly to the current region of Calabria. The Greeks gradually came to apply the name "Italia" to a larger region [66] In Analysks to the "Greek Italy" in the south, historians have suggested the existence of an "Etruscan Italy" covering variable areas of central Italy. The borders of Analjsis Italy are better established. Cato's Originesthe first work of history composed in Latindescribed Italy as the entire peninsula south of the Alps.

The northern area of Cisalpine Gaul was occupied by Rome in the s BC and became considered geographically and de facto learn more here of Italy, [70] but remained politically and de jure separated. It was legally merged into the administrative unit of Italy in 42 BC by the triumvir Octavian as a ratification of Caesar 's unpublished acts Acta Caesaris. The Latin term Italicus was used to describe "a man of Italy" as opposed to a provincial. For example, Pliny the Elder notably wrote in Off letter Italicus es an provincialis? The Italian peninsula was divided into a multitude of tribal or ethnic territory prior to the Roman conquest of Italy in the 3rd century BC. After a series of wars between Greeks and Etruscansthe Latinswith Rome Anakysis Analysis Of The Poem Renzo capital, gained the ascendancy by BC, and completed the conquest of the Italian peninsula by BC.
This period of unification was followed by one of conquest in the Mediterranean, beginning with the First Punic War against Carthage.
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In the course of the century-long struggle against Carthage, the Romans conquered Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica. Finally, in BC, at the conclusion of the Third Punic Warwith Carthage completely destroyed and its inhabitants enslaved, Rome became the dominant power in the Mediterranean. The process of Italian unification, and the associated Romanizationculminated in 88 BC, when, in the aftermath of the Social WarRome granted its fellow Italian allies full rights in Roman societyextending Roman citizenship to all fellow Italic peoples. Octavian, the final victor 31 BCwas accorded the title of Augustus by Powm Senate and thereby became the first Roman Emperor.
Augustus Renzk for the first time an administrative region called Italia with inhabitants called "Italicus populus", stretching from Analysis Of The Poem Renzo Alps to Sicily: for this reason historians like Emilio Gentile called him Father of Italians. In the 1st century BC, Italia was still a collection of territories with different political statuses. Some cities, called municipiahad some independence from Rome, while others, the coloniaewere founded by the Romans themselves.
Around 7 BC, Augustus divided Read article into eleven regiones. During the Crisis of the Third Tgethe Roman Empire nearly collapsed under the combined pressures of invasions, military anarchy and civil wars, and hyperinflation. Inemperor Diocletian restored political stability. The importance of Rome declined, because the city was far from the troubled frontiers. Continue reading Diocletian, Italy became the Dioecesis Italicianasubdivided into thirteen provinces, now including Raetia. Under Constantine the GreatItaly became the Praetorian prefecture of Italy praefectura praetoria Italiaeand was subdivided into two dioceses.
Diocesis Italia annonaria Italy of the annonagoverned from Milan and Diocesis Italia Analysis Of The Poem Renzo Italy "under the government of the urbs ", i.

His defeat marked the end of the Western Roman Empireand the end of the political unification of Italy until the establishment of the modern Kingdom of Italy in Augustusfirst Roman Emperor. The golden age of Rome, known as Pax Romana due to Posm relative peace established in the Mediterranean world, with his reign.]
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