Analysis Of The Harlem Renaissance By Zora -

Analysis Of The Harlem Renaissance By Zora

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Analysis Of The Harlem Renaissance By Zora

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Zora Neale Hurston's Hometown Legacy - The New York Times

Dorothy West Photo credit: Wikipedia. Dorothy West knew from an early age that she wanted to be a writer, but little did she realize that international would come in her eighties, and that she would bear witness to the Harlem Renaissancean artistic movement which took root in 's New York.

West's background was different from many of her peers.

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She hailed from a prosperous upper-middle class black family in Boston where her father, a freed slave, had been a successful fruit merchant. As a young writer, West won various prizes for her short stories.

Analysis Of The Harlem Renaissance By Zora

Still, she struggled to find outlets that would publish her work - very few successful black publications existed in the 's, and West focused on life in black America, a topic that most magazines with a white readership would not publish.

Despite setbacks, she continued to write, leaving Harlem and moving permanently to Martha's Vineyard inwhere she would write a weekly column for The Vineyard Gazette until her death in August West's first Harelm, The Living is Easypublished inexamines the complexities of being black and upper-class in Boston around World War I.

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This would be her only book for decades, until she met fellow Island resident and Doubleday editor Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Onassis encouraged West to complete what would be, at 85 years old, West's breakthrough hit, The Wedding. While success came late for West, she never Renaissancd in her literary pursuits. West was a 'serious' child, and intently focused on her writing.

Analysis Of The Harlem Renaissance By Zora

Her mother suggested she loosen up a little.]

One thought on “Analysis Of The Harlem Renaissance By Zora

  1. Bravo, magnificent idea and is duly

  2. Amusing question

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