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Analysis Of The Haitian Revolution

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Analysis Of The Haitian Revolution 2 days ago · Introduction The Battle of Crête-à-Pierrot was a major battle of the Haitian Revolution that took place from 04 March until 24 March Background The battle took place at the Crête-à-Pierrot fort (in Haitian Creole Lakrèt-a-Pyewo), east of Saint-Marc on the valley of the Artibonite River. Nov 18,  · This post is a part of our “Latin America's Ongoing Revolutions” series, which explores the colonial and post-colonial angles of Latin America's revolutionary history. Check out the entire series. By Gonzalo Romero Sommer In , the Mantaro Hydroeletric Complex began its operations in the highland province of Huancavelica, Peru. The construction of the plant had. 4 days ago · The report Haitian Vetiver Oil Market will function as a medium for the better assessment of the existing and future situations of the global market. It will be offering a degree framework of the competitive landscape and dynamics of the market and related industries. Further, it entails the major competitors within the market as well as budding companies along with their comprehensive.
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Analysis Of The Haitian Revolution

Keyword Analysis

The revolution was the only slave uprising that led to the founding of a state which was both free from slavery, and ruled by non-whites and former captives. It is now widely seen as a defining moment here the history of the Atlantic World. Its effects on the institution of slavery were felt throughout the Americas.

The end of French rule and the abolition of slavery in Analysis Of The Haitian Revolution former colony was followed by a successful defence of the freedoms they won, and, with the collaboration of free persons of colour, their independence from white Europeans. Plantation owners produced sugar as a commodity crop from cultivation of sugarcane, which required extensive labour. The colony of Saint-Domingue also had extensive coffee, cocoa, and indigo plantations, but these were smaller and Analysis Of The Haitian Revolution profitable than the sugar plantations.

The commodity crops were traded for European goods. Starting in the s, French engineers constructed complex irrigation systems to increase sugarcane production. Production of sugar depended on extensive manual labour provided by enslaved Africans. The livelihood of 1 million of the approximately 25 million people who lived in the France in depended directly upon the agricultural imports from Saint-Domingue, and several million indirectly depended upon trade from the colony to maintain their standard of living. Saint-Domingue was the most profitable French colony in the world, indeed one of the most profitable this web page all the European colonies in the 18th century.

Slavery sustained sugar production under harsh conditions, including the unhealthy climate of the Caribbean, where diseases such as malaria brought from Africa and yellow fever caused high mortality. In alone, the French imported about 20, slaves from Africa into Saint-Domingue, while the British imported about 38, slaves total to all of their Caribbean colonies. They calculated that it was better to get the most work out of their slaves with the lowest expense possible, since they were probably going to die of yellow fever anyway.

Analysis Of The Haitian Revolution

The death rate was so high that polyandry — one woman being married to several men at the same time — developed as a common form of marriage among the slaves. As slaves had no legal rights, rape by planters, their unmarried sons, or overseers was a common occurrence on the plantations.

The planters and their families, together with the petite bourgeoisie of merchants and shopkeepers, were outnumbered by slaves by a factor of more than ten on Saint-Domingue. The largest sugar plantations and concentrations of slaves were in the north of the islands, and whites lived in fear slave rebellion.

Even by the standards of the Caribbean, the French slave masters were extremely cruel in their treatment of slaves. They used the threat and acts of physical violence to maintain control and suppress efforts at slave rebellion. When slaves left the plantations or disobeyed their masters, they were subject to whipping, or to more extreme torture such as castration or burning, Analysis Of The Haitian Revolution punishment being both a personal lesson and a warning for other slaves.

Analysis Of The Haitian Revolution

King Louis XIV of France passed the Code Noir in in an attempt to regulate such violence and the treatment of the enslaved person in general in the colony, but masters openly and consistently broke the code. During the 18th century, local legislation reversed parts of it. Inthe planters began passing legislation restricting the rights of other groups of people until a rigid caste system was defined.

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Most historians classify the people of the era into three groups:. The first group were white colonists, les blancs. This group was generally subdivided into the plantation owners and a lower class of whites who often served as Tge or day labourers, artisans and shopkeepers. The second group were free persons of colour, or gens de couleur libres, were usually mixed-race sometimes referred to as mulattoesbeing of both African and French descent.]

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