Alienation Of The Individual From Society -

Alienation Of The Individual From Society - believe

Whereas direct references to social phenomena tend to rise and fade quickly, it is the ideas and rules we extrapolate and derive from these events that actually guide mankind towards the future. Regardless of its controversial reputation in the West, Karl Marx's theory is, for some, considered to be more relevant than ever. Marx first defined the term "alienation" in , pointing out that the working class will first be alienated from what they produce, then the capitalists, and then the society in general. If we look at the process of labor-alienation from the standpoint of an artist who has constructed a product that has become a valued work of art, does the process of alienation still persist? Do Chinese artists living in America experience a higher degree of alienation? Or maybe the exercise of applying art as a product is flawed at the very beginning? Alienation Of The Individual From Society Alienation Of The Individual From Society

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Marx: Alienation in Capitalism

Workers thus experience their own activity, natural and built environments, and fellow human beings as alien and hostile. While this idea has been deeply influential, it has also been the subject of heated controversies, in particular for its apparent dependence on an essentialist or teleological idea of human nature.

Alienation Of The Individual From Society

While important, such controversies were often inflated by their political and intellectual context, and this chapter argues they should be considered alongside the lasting significance of alienation as an explanatory concept. Understood as such, it can still contribute a great deal to understanding and criticizing contemporary society, and provide guidance for how to transcend and replace it.

Keywords: alienationlaborcapitalismessentialismhuman natureMarxism. Access to the complete content on Oxford Handbooks Online requires a subscription or purchase.

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Edited by Matt Vidal, Tony Smith, Tomás Rotta, and Paul Prew

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Alienation Of The Individual From Society

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