African Learners And Native Speakers -

African Learners And Native Speakers Video

Students protests use of Afrikaans as a teaching language in South Africa African Learners And Native Speakers African Learners And Native Speakers

Over two billion people speak English as of the s[1] [2] making English Speakkers largest language by number of speakersand the third largest language by number of native speakers. The United Kingdom and the United States with 60 million and million respectively, have the most native speakers.

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Additionally, there are 29 million in Canada Englanda part of the United Kingdom, is the birthplace of the English language, and the modern African Learners And Native Speakers of the language has been spreading around the world since the 17th century by the worldwide influence of the United Kingdom, and more recently, the United States. Through all types of printed and electronic media of these countries, English has become the leading language Charter international discourse and the lingua franca in many regions and professional contexts such as sciencenavigation and law. Estimates that include second-language speakers vary greatly, from million to more than 2 billion. Other countries, such as Ghana and Ugandaalso use English as their primary official languages.

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As ofIndia claims to have the world's second-largest English-speaking population. English is the link natively spoken language in several countries and territories. Five of the largest of these are sometimes described as the " core Anglosphere "; [6] [7] [8] they are the United States of America with at least million native English speakers[9] the United Kingdom 60 African Learners And Native Speakers[10] [11] [12] Canada at least 20 million[13] Australia at least 17 million[14] and New Zealand 4. Pie chart showing the percentage of native English speakers living in "inner circle" English-speaking countries.

African Learners And Native Speakers

Native speakers are now substantially outnumbered worldwide by second-language speakers Naive English not counted in this chart. In some countries where English is not the most spoken language, it is an official language. This was a result of the influence of British colonization and American colonization in these areas.

African Learners And Native Speakers

India has the largest number of second-language speakers of English see Indian English ; Crystal claims that combining native and non-native speakers, India has more people who speak or understand English than any other country in the world. However, most scholars and research that has been conducted dispute his assertions. Sri Lanka and the Philippines use English as their third and second official language after Sinhala and Tamiland Filipinorespectively.

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English is one of the eleven official languages that are given equal status in South Africa South African Englishwhere there are 4. NAd the United States federal government has no official languages, English has been given official status by 32 of the 50 US state governments. Although falling short of official status, English is also an important language in several former colonies and protectorates of the United Kingdom, such as Bahrain African Learners And Native Speakers, BangladeshBruneiCyprus and the United Arab Emirates.

Because English is so widely spoken, it has often been referred to as a " world language ", the lingua franca of the modern era, [21] and while it is not an official language in most countries, it is currently the language most often taught as a foreign language.]

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