Advertising Fast Food to Children Under The -

Advertising Fast Food to Children Under The - amusing

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Advertising Fast Food to Children Under The Video

Junk Food Ads and Kids

But some of his videos contain junk food brands. But fast food companies are increasingly interested in inserting their products into these videos, which are hugely popular with children. The government will be banning junk food ads on TV between am and 9pm every day.

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The measure, which has not yet come into force, was announced in July. The government also launched a consultation over a total ban Childfen junk food advertising online. Children carrying extra weight are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer or have a stroke in adulthood. In the UK, the government is cracking down on junk food ads on TV by implementing a 9pm watershed.

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YouTube, which is the second most visited website in the world after Advsrtising, is a popular destination for kids seeking entertainment. More than 80 percent of parents with a child younger than 12 years old allow their child to watch YouTube and 35 percent of parents said that their kid watches YouTube regularly, the experts report. Kidfluencer videos have caught the attention of some of these companies, who advertise or sponsor posts to promote their products during videos. Researchers used data from AI marketing firm Socialbakers to identify the five most-watched kid influencers on YouTube inwhose ages ranged from 3 to 14 years old, and analysed their most-watched videos.

Advertising Fast Food to Children Under The

The team searched for 50 of their most-watched videos and 50 of their videos that featured food and drinks on the thumbnail image of the video. Focusing on a sample of YouTube videos, they assessed whether kid influencers consumed or played with food or toys, quantified the number of minutes food and drink and recorded names of branded food and drinks.

The researchers found Fast food was the most frequently featured junk food, followed by sweets and fizzy drinks. Only a few videos featured unhealthy unbranded items like hot dogs 4 per centFooc unbranded items like fruit 3 per centand healthy branded items like yogurt 2 per cent.

Advertising Fast Food to Children Under The

Researchers do not which food and drink product placements were paid endorsements. But these videos are problematic for public health because they let food companies subtly Chi,dren unhealthy foods to young children and their parents. The UK is moving to ban junk food ads on TV before 9pm in the evening.

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The National Academy of Medicine and World Health Organisation identify food marketing as a major driver of childhood obesity. The researchers encourage federal and state regulators to strengthen and enforce regulations of junk food advertising by kid influencers. A Cancer Research UK survey in of almost 2, children found those who used the internet or watched commercial television for more than half an hour a day were more likely to ask for, buy or eat junk food.

However, when they watched TV without adverts, there was no link between screen time and the likelihood of eating junk food. The children who watched more than three hours of commercial TV a day were 59 per cent more likely to be overweight or obese than children who watched half an hour a day or less.

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Researchers found the primary school-age children surveyed spent an average of 16 hours a week on the internet. Those who used the internet more than 3 a day were 79 per cent more likely to be overweight or obese than children who used the internet half an hour a day or less.

The measures will help cut child obesity Advettising overweight figures. Related Articles. Check Also.]

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