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Advanced Driving Techniques

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Advanced Driving Techniques 36
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Advanced Driving Techniques

In general the fastest racing line is the straightest line basically. But for the most part you want to be going as straight as you Advanced Driving Techniques can for as long as you possibly can. I mean I think that the fast way is just to join the dots. A lot people were there, and tried to drive too fast, too quickly.

2. Left foot braking

You have to be precise, Tecjniques know — if the corner is laid out the way you have to, you know, hit the apex or go very close to the apex — you have to hit it. You hit your marks. So if its kind of a little about of driving style.

Advanced Driving Techniques

What are the bumps like? What are the surface changes? Because sometimes the grip level, or the highest grip is not only on the fastest line you could see on the paper, so you have to feel it in a way.

1. Taking turns

Sometimes the grip is just on the kerb, or maybe a half a car width away from the kerb, or in the Advanced Driving Techniques zones. When you look at a corner, you often need to process what is after that corner. Any corner that leads onto a long straightaway, is going to be more important than a corner that maybe leads to two or three more corners. So, in general the corners that have long straightaways, are places where you are on full throttle for a long time.

Tipping Maximizer Course

Those are the corners that you want to really emphasize getting back to power sooner, Technqiues as, you know, as soon as you possibly can, and committing to the full throttle. So, you always gotta think two, three steps ahead of where you are to be — to get the right line generally. There will be an emphasis on some corners to be fast in, and there will be emphasis on some corners to be fast out of — two good that are connected to each other.

Advanced Driving Techniques the end of the straightaway at Mid-Ohio turn 7, all I want to do is bring mega speed in.

Advanced Driving Techniques

But the key hole, conversely, is just the opposite.]

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