A Hub Of Cellular Adaptive Response - amazonia.fiocruz.br

A Hub Of Cellular Adaptive Response

A Hub Of Cellular Adaptive Response Video

Types of immune responses: Innate and adaptive, humoral vs. cell-mediated - NCLEX-RN - Khan Academy A Hub Of Cellular Adaptive Response

We focus on gaining a better understanding of the mechanisms that control the cell-cell interplay required for optimal expansion and activation of tumour-specific T cell populations and to apply this knowledge to the development of better treatment strategies in cancer patients.

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Research in my laboratory is divided into four complementary areas:. My laboratory investigates several complementary aspects of the immune response against solid tumours ovarian and endometrial cancers, melanoma, bladder and glioblastoma. The ultimate goal is to stratify patients for immunotherapy and establish strategies for sensitisation of non-responders.

A Hub Of Cellular Adaptive Response

We have recently developed a programme focussed on the analysis of the mechanisms by which tumour cells can evade immune responses and have focused on two aspects: expression of amino acid degrading enzymes; and the ability of tissue stroma to modulate the expression of tissue homing receptors expressed by T lymphocytes.

Additionally, we are investigating TLR Signaling events. UK Medical Research Council.

A Hub Of Cellular Adaptive Response

Cancer Research UK. UK Department of Health. The European Commission. The Wellcome Trust.

Harry Mahon Cancer Research Trust. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you click 'Continue' we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies and you won't see this message again. Click 'Find out more' for Hkb on how to change your cookie settings.

Continue Find out more. Multi-dimensional Innate and Adaptive lmmune responses. Research in my laboratory is divided into four complementary areas: Analysis of tumour-specific immune responses in cancer patients My laboratory investigates several complementary aspects of the immune response against solid tumours ovarian and endometrial cancers, melanoma, bladder and glioblastoma.]

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