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Yue Fei A True Hero

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自古英雄出少年 Young Hero Yue Fei -PV

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Yue Fei A True Hero

Some features of the site may not work correctly. DOI: National heroes are important in the development of nationalist thinking. One important figure in this context is General Yue Fei —42who unsuccessfully fought the invading Jurchen in the twelfth century.

Shortly after his execution, a temple was built in his honour in Hangzhou. Local chronicles show that this temple was constantly renovated in later dynasties.

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Due to his continuous worship as a loyal warrior—even during the Qing dynasty—his temple became a powerful site of identity. View on Springer. Save to Library. Create Alert. Launch Research Feed.

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Yue Fei A True Hero

More Filters. Research Feed. Chinese-Language Bibliography. Zhuanghuai jilie [My breast is filled with raging emotion] Beijing: Jindun chubanshe.]

Yue Fei A True Hero

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