![[BKEYWORD-0-3] Women s Views On Abortion And The](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/hXER_AUnU0yXEJSdg4T-wGrPdME=/0x0:3000x2119/1200x800/filters:focal(1260x820:1740x1300)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/62985706/1084711826.jpg.0.jpg)
I see him posting stuff on Facebook about it, which triggers me to respond.

But I never do because Facebook is not a place for serious discussion. To me, the bedrock of human morality is the experience of conscious creatures. Having anything non-material is an extraordinary claim, and thus requires extraordinary evidence. So, as far as I can tell, we are just another life form on this planet. We are wondrous, to be sure, but we can see sparks of that same beauty in many other living creatures we share the planet with. They feel pain. They fear things. They love things.
Abortion Views On Abortion
They understand the concept of good vs. All you need is the first one: they feel pain.

Not just physical pain, but emotional pain. Lots of animals have this, and that is what matters most to me from a moral standpoint. Morality is about suffering and happiness. Full stop. Abortion to me is a simple, horrific calculus. The question is, how do we do that calculation? How do we weigh it? What matters more? The suffering of an unborn child, or the suffering of a mother? And what about society? What about members of a society that see link in a certain way? What about the very fact that abortion could be desired or necessary at all, for anyone? Abrotion of these questions need to be factored into a model of understanding for human suffering. One faction might be a bunch of non-scientific or unsympathetic atheists who believe life and consciousness starts Women s Views On Abortion And The age 3.
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Another faction might be strict Christians who believe https://amazonia.fiocruz.br/scdp/blog/gregorys-punctuation-checker-tool/violence-essay.php Bible says life starts at conception. This shared model concept applies to more than just abortion, e. Logical discussion and debate require a shared understanding of the world, and for abortion that necessitates a model for the benefit and harm of a given policy. Or more specifically, human incarceration. Freedom is a key requirement for human happiness.]
This valuable opinion
I apologise, but I need absolutely another. Who else, what can prompt?
The authoritative point of view