Why Same Sex Marriage Is Morally Right - amazonia.fiocruz.br

Why Same Sex Marriage Is Morally Right

Why Same Sex Marriage Is Morally Right Video

An Impossible Right: Why 'Same-Sex Marriage' is Wrongheaded Why Same Sex Marriage Is Morally Right.

Many views are held or have been expressed by religious organizations in relation to same-sex marriage. Although many of the world's religions are opposed to same-sex marriage, the number of religious denominations that are conducting same-sex marriages have been increasing in recent times.

Why Same Sex Marriage Is Morally Right

Religious views on same-sex marriage are closely related to religious views on homosexuality. Due to the ambivalent language about homosexuality in Buddhist teachings, there has been no official stance put forth regarding the issue of marriage between members of the same gender.

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There is no official Buddhist position on the issue of same-sex marriage. On October 11,some religious leaders gave testimony to the Commission on Sexual Orientation and the Law in support of same-gender marriages.

Why Same Sex Marriage Is Morally Right

Robert Aitkenco-founder and teacher of the Honolulu Diamond Sangha, a Zen Buddhist society established inwith centers in Manoa and Palolo, gave written testimony on the subject of same-sex marriage. Aitken explains that by applying the Four Noble Abodes loving kindness, compassion, joy in the attainment of others, and equanimity to the issue of same-sex Marrigae, he finds compassion for and with the gay or lesbian couple who wish to confirm their love in a legal marriage. Aitken cites a precept about sex which Zen Buddhists inherit from earlier classical Buddhists teachings.

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It is one of the sixteen precepts accepted by all Zen Buddhist monks, nuns and seriously committed lay people. He understands this to mean that self-centred sexual conduct is inappropriate, and he vows to avoid it.

Why Same Sex Marriage Is Morally Right

He believes that self-centred sex is exploitive sex, non-consensual sex, sex that harms others. It is unwholesome and destructive in a heterosexual as well as in a homosexual context.

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He goes on to explain that The Legislative Reference Bureau compiled a formidable list of rights that are extended to married couples in Hawai'i, but which are denied to couples who are gay and lesbian. He argues that gay and lesbian unions would be "settled even more" if they were acknowledged with basic married rights. Aitken says, "A long-standing injustice would be corrected, and the entire gay and lesbian community would feel more accepted. This would stabilize a significant segment of our society, and we would see more of us be better able to acknowledge our diversity.

I urge you to advise the Legislature and the people of Hawai'i that legalizing gay and lesbian marriages will be humane and in keeping with perennial principles of decency and mutual encouragement.]

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