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When It s All Too Much Too

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When It s All Too Much Too Video

It's All Too Much (Remastered 2009)

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When It s All Too Much Too

Learn more about how FutureLearn is transforming access to education. Too Much, Too Soon In this video, Marleen Temmerman describes the concept of 'too much too soon' in maternal health care. View transcript.

When It s All Too Much Too

My name is Marleen Temmerman. I am a professor in obstetrics and gynaecology and in public health at the Aga Khan University in Nairobi, Kenya.

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The topic is Caesarean section, and more specifically optimising the rates of Caesarean sections because what we have seen in the last years is almost a doubling of the number of babies born via Caesarean section in about 15 years. Inwe counted 16 million babies born via Caesarean. And now, 15 years later, we are at almost 30 million, which is one baby Tol five, in the whole world, who is born via Caesarean section, and this is very high.

There are also huge discrepancies. So this huge difference, also differences between the rich and the poor women in any geography. Now, what is the problem? We know— and there is no ideal rate— but we know that if there is no access to Caesarean section, or only very limited, that babies and women can die or have very serious complications of pregnancy because they When It s All Too Much Too access the health care facilities they need where they can have access to Caesarean section and to high-level obstetrical care. On the other hand, because the surgery is quite safe, we have, in many parts of the world, too many Caesarean section, mainly hWen non-medical reasons.

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The drivers of these increased rates are number one, C-section is relatively safe. It is very often reimbursed. The fee for the health care provider is higher with a Caesarean section than a normal delivery. And number three, now increasingly also women and families, they are asking for Caesarean section. And women are saying, I have the right to decide how I will deliver my baby. Because with this increase of Caesarean sections, we have not seen better outcomes for the mum, not for the babies.]

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