Vitamin Deficiency A Widespread Problem All Around -

Vitamin Deficiency A Widespread Problem All Around Video

Vitamin Deficiency Problems and Precautions -- SumanTV Organic Foods

Vitamin Deficiency A Widespread Problem All Around - apologise

CHICAGO — Many of us slather on the sunblock before heading out each day to prevent the growth of skin cancers, but a recent study finds that sunscreen use is also causing an alarming surge in cases of vitamin D deficiency worldwide. Conversely, getting an adequate daily dose is important for overall health. Indoor lifestyles are one risk factor as is the overuse of sunscreens. Kim Pfotenhauer, an assistant professor at Touro University, in a news release. When our bodies lack vitamin D, we may see symptoms like muscle weakness and fragile bones. People who are experiencing these symptoms or those who have chronic diseases may want to see their doctor to have their levels tested and to come up with a treatment plan. Some natural food sources for the vitamin include fatty fish, cheese and egg yolks. Fortified foods include milk, breakfast cereals and Portobello mushrooms. Vitamin Deficiency A Widespread Problem All Around Vitamin Deficiency A Widespread Problem All Around

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Vitamin Deficiency A Widespread Problem All Around

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Vitamin Deficiency A Widespread Problem All Around

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Vitamin Deficiency A Widespread Problem All Around

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