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UPS A Leading Edge Logistics Solution - impossible the

Imperial, an African and European-focused provider of integrated market access and logistics solutions has announced an investment in and partnership with Lori Systems to expand its cutting-edge e-logistics technology solutions across Africa. This strategic partnership is the first of its kind at this scale and scope on the African continent. Lori Systems is the leading e-logistics platform in Africa and seamlessly coordinates haulage in frontier markets. As a business that is focused on efficient and innovative logistics and market access solutions, this is a crucial business investment for Imperial and the continent. Lori Systems launched in , with the vision to develop technology that provides practical solutions to the challenges frontier markets face with logistics, namely the lack of visibility, coordination, and data. This will lead to more efficiently managed operations and fleets, resulting in tangible cost savings. For Co-Founder and CEO, Lori Systems Joshua Sandler, the partnership is validation of our vision of a new era of digitally enabled and efficient logistics not only in Africa but also in frontier markets more broadly. UPS A Leading Edge Logistics Solution

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Esther Ndichu: Hunger isn’t a food issue. It’s a logistics issue UPS A Leading Edge Logistics Solution

News and highlights

Insurance technology provider, Zywaverecently announced the acquisition of WCL, a Edgw provider of business solutions designed to support the electronic placement of risks, accounting and settlement and claims functions in the insurance and reinsurance industry. The acquisition allows WCL greater access to the US market and capacity to scale its operations globally.

Willison added that the partnership with Zywave gives WCL the ability to pinpoint those messaging solutions and integrations that will make the biggest impact in the insurance market and scale offerings appropriately.

UPS A Leading Edge Logistics Solution

Zywave plans to expand the WCL model and technology platform and will at the same time look to broaden and serve additional global markets. With the acquisition, the company will significantly increase its footprint and technology solutions in the United Kingdom, Europe and Asia.

Our portfolio

Zywave has recently appointed a new Vice President of international operations, Jon Maury, who has extensive experience in software sales and business UPS A Leading Edge Logistics Solution. Zywave offers a technology platform that uses cloud-based sales enablement, client delivery, content and analytics solutions. It has more than 6, brokerages worldwide as clients, including all of the top US Brokers, as well as an expanding list of carrier clients. WCL provides the ability for firms to connect to and integrate with Logisgics placing platforms, implement electronic accounting and settlement and claims solutions, greatly speeding up premium and claims payments, and provides links to bank statements to automate the movement of money. WCL was bought by Advisen in Related acquistions buyouts companies deals insurtech takeover usa WCL zywave About alastair walker Articles 20 years experience as a journalist and magazine editor. I'm your contact for press releases, events, news and commercial opportunities at Insurance-Edge.

Aventus, a global top insurtech, that connects insurers and MGAs to a broader technology ecosystem, has launched in the Salesforce Solutioh.

UPS A Leading Edge Logistics Solution

The acquisition follows on from the deal […]. The estimate includes losses to the National Flood Insurance Program […].]

UPS A Leading Edge Logistics Solution

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