Unified Modeling Language - and
Software development is the process of conceiving, specifying, designing, programming , documenting , testing , and bug fixing involved in creating and maintaining applications , frameworks , or other software components. Software development is a process of writing and maintaining the source code , but in a broader sense, it includes all that is involved between the conception of the desired software through to the final manifestation of the software, sometimes in a planned and structured process. Embedded software development , that is, the development of embedded software , such as used for controlling consumer products, requires the development process to be integrated with the development of the controlled physical product. System software underlies applications and the programming process itself, and is often developed separately. The need for better quality control of the software development process has given rise to the discipline of software engineering , which aims to apply the systematic approach exemplified in the engineering paradigm to the process of software development. There are many approaches to software project management , known as software development life cycle models, methodologies, processes, or models. Unified Modeling LanguageUnified Modeling Language Video
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Vanaf bestaan daar 'n standaard vir UML. Kenmerkend is dat UML modelle 'n grafiese weergawe is van bepaalde aspekte van die informasiesisteem.

Dat die taal as standaard breed aanvaar word, is te sien aan die feit dat dit in die jare negentig van die twintigste eeu daar 'n UML-konsortium was, opgerig met as deelnemers o. Met UML kan mens ondermeer beskrywinge maak van statistiese verskynsels, ook kan 'n mens dinamiese prosesse beskryf. Dit dien veral as 'n veelsydige instrument wat in verkillende Unified Modeling Language van die sisteembou toegepas kan word.

Een van die kragtige aspekte van UML is dat, op 'n relatiewe eenvoudige manier, meta-beskrywinge gemaak kan word. Teenstrydig oor wat daarvan gedink word, is UML self geen metode nie, maar 'n notasiewyse wat by verkillende metodes gebruik kan word.
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